'auto' for elaborate guessing
encoding: Use this encoding instead of the system-specified.
extract_flat: Do not resolve URLs, return the immediate result.
+ Pass in 'in_playlist' to only show this behavior for
+ playlist items.
The following parameters are not used by YoutubeDL itself, they are used by
the FileDownloader:
result_type = ie_result.get('_type', 'video')
- if self.params.get('extract_flat', False):
- if result_type in ('url', 'url_transparent'):
+ if result_type in ('url', 'url_transparent'):
+ extract_flat = self.params.get('extract_flat', False)
+ if ((extract_flat == 'in_playlist' and 'playlist' in extra_info) or
+ extract_flat is True):
+ self.add_extra_info(ie_result, extra_info)
+ if self.params.get('forcejson', False):
+ self.to_stdout(json.dumps(ie_result))
return ie_result
if result_type == 'video':
'youtube_include_dash_manifest': opts.youtube_include_dash_manifest,
'encoding': opts.encoding,
'exec_cmd': opts.exec_cmd,
+ 'extract_flat': opts.extract_flat,
with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
help='Do not read configuration files. When given in the global configuration file /etc/youtube-dl.conf: do not read the user configuration in ~/.config/youtube-dl.conf (%APPDATA%/youtube-dl/config.txt on Windows)')
+ general.add_option(
+ '--flat-playlist',
+ action='store_const', dest='extract_flat', const='in_playlist',
+ default=False,
+ help='Do not extract the videos of a playlist, only list them.')
selection = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Video Selection')