--embed-subs embed subtitles in the video (only for mp4 videos)
--embed-thumbnail embed thumbnail in the audio as cover art
--add-metadata write metadata to the video file
+ --metadata-from-title FORMAT parse additional metadata like song title / artist from the video title. The format syntax is the same as --output, the parsed
+ parameters replace existing values. Additional templates: %(album), %(artist). Example: --metadata-from-title "%(artist)s -
+ %(title)s" matches a title like "Coldplay - Paradise"
--xattrs write metadata to the video file's xattrs (using dublin core and xdg standards)
--fixup POLICY Automatically correct known faults of the file. One of never (do nothing), warn (only emit a warning), detect_or_warn(the default;
fix file if we can, warn otherwise)
- **Bandcamp**
- **Bandcamp:album**
- **bbc.co.uk**: BBC iPlayer
+ - **BeatportPro**
- **Beeg**
- **BehindKink**
- **Bet**
- **Firstpost**
- **Flickr**
- **Folketinget**: Folketinget (ft.dk; Danish parliament)
+ - **FootyRoom**
- **Foxgay**
- **FoxNews**
- **france2.fr:generation-quoi**
- **jpopsuki.tv**
- **Jukebox**
- **Kaltura**
+ - **KanalPlay**: Kanal 5/9/11 Play
- **Kankan**
- **Karaoketv**
- **keek**
- **SportBox**
- **SportDeutschland**
- **SRMediathek**: Saarländischer Rundfunk
+ - **SSA**
- **stanfordoc**: Stanford Open ClassRoom
- **Steam**
- **streamcloud.eu**
- **Vidzi**
- **vier**
- **vier:videos**
+ - **Viewster**
- **viki**
- **vimeo**
- **vimeo:album**
- **XXXYMovies**
- **Yahoo**: Yahoo screen and movies
- **Yam**
+ - **yandexmusic:album**: Яндекс.Музыка - Альбом
+ - **yandexmusic:playlist**: Яндекс.Музыка - Плейлист
+ - **yandexmusic:track**: Яндекс.Музыка - Трек
- **YesJapan**
- **Ynet**
- **YouJizz**