def __init__(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
expr = kwargs.pop('expr', None)
if expr is not None:
- msg = '{0} in: {1!r}'.format(msg.rstrip(), expr[:100])
+ msg = '{0} in: {1!r:.100}'.format(msg.rstrip(), expr)
super(JSInterpreter.Exception, self).__init__(msg, *args, **kwargs)
elif in_quote == '/' and char in '[]':
in_regex_char_group = char == '['
escaping = not escaping and in_quote and char == '\\'
- after_op = not in_quote and (char in cls.OP_CHARS or (char.isspace() and after_op))
+ after_op = not in_quote and (char in cls.OP_CHARS or char == '[' or (char.isspace() and after_op))
if char != delim[pos] or any(counters.values()) or in_quote:
pos = skipping = 0
separated = list(cls._separate(expr, delim, 1))
if len(separated) < 2:
- raise cls.Exception('No terminating paren {delim} in {expr}'.format(**locals()))
+ raise cls.Exception('No terminating paren {delim} in {expr:.100}'.format(**locals()))
return separated[0][1:].strip(), separated[1].strip()