raise ExtractorError(u'no conn, hlsvp or url_encoded_fmt_stream_map information found in video info')
# Look for the DASH manifest
- dash_manifest_url_lst = video_info.get('dashmpd')
- if (dash_manifest_url_lst and dash_manifest_url_lst[0] and
- self._downloader.params.get('youtube_include_dash_manifest', False)):
+ if (self._downloader.params.get('youtube_include_dash_manifest', False)):
+ # The DASH manifest used needs to be the one from the original video_webpage.
+ # The one found in get_video_info seems to be using different signatures.
+ # However, in the case of an age restriction there won't be any embedded dashmpd in the video_webpage.
+ # Luckily, it seems, this case uses some kind of default signature (len == 86), so the
+ # combination of get_video_info and the _static_decrypt_signature() decryption fallback will work here.
+ if age_gate:
+ dash_manifest_url = video_info.get('dashmpd')[0];
+ else:
+ x = re.search(r'ytplayer\.config = ({.*});', video_webpage)
+ x = json.loads(x.group(1));
+ dash_manifest_url = x['args']['dashmpd']
+ def decrypt_sig(mobj):
+ s = mobj.group(1)
+ dec_s = self._decrypt_signature(s, video_id, player_url, age_gate)
+ return '/signature/%s' % dec_s
+ dash_manifest_url = re.sub(r'/s/([\w\.]+)', decrypt_sig, dash_manifest_url)
dash_doc = self._download_xml(
- dash_manifest_url_lst[0], video_id,
+ dash_manifest_url, video_id,
note=u'Downloading DASH manifest',
errnote=u'Could not download DASH manifest')
for r in dash_doc.findall(u'.//{urn:mpeg:DASH:schema:MPD:2011}Representation'):