
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import re
      6 from .cbs import CBSIE
      7 from ..utils import int_or_none
     10 class CBSInteractiveIE(CBSIE):
     11     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?(?P<site>cnet|zdnet)\.com/(?:videos|video(?:/share)?)/(?P<id>[^/?]+)'
     12     _TESTS = [{
     13         'url': '',
     14         'info_dict': {
     15             'id': 'R49SYt__yAfmlXR85z4f7gNmCBDcN_00',
     16             'display_id': 'hands-on-with-microsofts-windows-8-1-update',
     17             'ext': 'mp4',
     18             'title': 'Hands-on with Microsoft Windows 8.1 Update',
     19             'description': 'The new update to the Windows 8 OS brings improved performance for mouse and keyboard users.',
     20             'uploader_id': '6085384d-619e-11e3-b231-14feb5ca9861',
     21             'uploader': 'Sarah Mitroff',
     22             'duration': 70,
     23             'timestamp': 1396479627,
     24             'upload_date': '20140402',
     25         },
     26         'params': {
     27             # m3u8 download
     28             'skip_download': True,
     29         },
     30     }, {
     31         'url': '',
     32         'md5': 'f11d27b2fa18597fbf92444d2a9ed386',
     33         'info_dict': {
     34             'id': 'kjOJd_OoVJqbg_ZD8MZCOk8Wekb9QccK',
     35             'display_id': 'whiny-pothole-tweets-at-local-government-when-hit-by-cars-tomorrow-daily-187',
     36             'ext': 'mp4',
     37             'title': 'Whiny potholes tweet at local government when hit by cars (Tomorrow Daily 187)',
     38             'description': 'md5:d2b9a95a5ffe978ae6fbd4cf944d618f',
     39             'uploader_id': 'b163284d-6b73-44fc-b3e6-3da66c392d40',
     40             'uploader': 'Ashley Esqueda',
     41             'duration': 1482,
     42             'timestamp': 1433289889,
     43             'upload_date': '20150603',
     44         },
     45     }, {
     46         'url': '',
     47         'info_dict': {
     48             'id': 'k0r4T_ehht4xW_hAOqiVQPuBDPZ8SRjt',
     49             'display_id': 'video-keeping-android-smartphones-and-tablets-secure',
     50             'ext': 'mp4',
     51             'title': 'Video: Keeping Android smartphones and tablets secure',
     52             'description': 'Here\'s the best way to keep Android devices secure, and what you do when they\'ve come to the end of their lives.',
     53             'uploader_id': 'f2d97ea2-8175-11e2-9d12-0018fe8a00b0',
     54             'uploader': 'Adrian Kingsley-Hughes',
     55             'duration': 731,
     56             'timestamp': 1449129925,
     57             'upload_date': '20151203',
     58         },
     59         'params': {
     60             # m3u8 download
     61             'skip_download': True,
     62         },
     63     }, {
     64         'url': '',
     65         'only_matching': True,
     66     }]
     68     MPX_ACCOUNTS = {
     69         'cnet': 2198311517,
     70         'zdnet': 2387448114,
     71     }
     73     def _real_extract(self, url):
     74         site, display_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
     75         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
     77         data_json = self._html_search_regex(
     78             r"data(?:-(?:cnet|zdnet))?-video(?:-(?:uvp(?:js)?|player))?-options='([^']+)'",
     79             webpage, 'data json')
     80         data = self._parse_json(data_json, display_id)
     81         vdata = data.get('video') or (data.get('videos') or data.get('playlist'))[0]
     83         video_id = vdata['mpxRefId']
     85         title = vdata['title']
     86         author = vdata.get('author')
     87         if author:
     88             uploader = '%s %s' % (author['firstName'], author['lastName'])
     89             uploader_id = author.get('id')
     90         else:
     91             uploader = None
     92             uploader_id = None
     94         info = self._extract_video_info(video_id, site, self.MPX_ACCOUNTS[site])
     95         info.update({
     96             'id': video_id,
     97             'display_id': display_id,
     98             'title': title,
     99             'duration': int_or_none(vdata.get('duration')),
    100             'uploader': uploader,
    101             'uploader_id': uploader_id,
    102         })
    103         return info