
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import binascii
      5 import hashlib
      6 import re
      9 from .common import InfoExtractor
     10 from ..aes import aes_cbc_decrypt
     11 from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_unquote
     12 from ..utils import (
     13     bytes_to_intlist,
     14     ExtractorError,
     15     int_or_none,
     16     intlist_to_bytes,
     17     float_or_none,
     18     mimetype2ext,
     19     str_or_none,
     20     try_get,
     21     unified_timestamp,
     22     update_url_query,
     23     url_or_none,
     24 )
     27 class DRTVIE(InfoExtractor):
     28     _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
     29                     https?://
     30                         (?:
     31                             (?:www\.)?dr\.dk/(?:tv/se|nyheder|radio(?:/ondemand)?)/(?:[^/]+/)*|
     32                             (?:www\.)?(?:dr\.dk|dr-massive\.com)/drtv/(?:se|episode|program)/
     33                         )
     34                         (?P<id>[\da-z_-]+)
     35                     '''
     36     _GEO_BYPASS = False
     37     _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['DK']
     38     IE_NAME = 'drtv'
     39     _TESTS = [{
     40         'url': '',
     41         'md5': '25e659cccc9a2ed956110a299fdf5983',
     42         'info_dict': {
     43             'id': 'klassen-darlig-taber-10',
     44             'ext': 'mp4',
     45             'title': 'Klassen - Dårlig taber (10)',
     46             'description': 'md5:815fe1b7fa656ed80580f31e8b3c79aa',
     47             'timestamp': 1539085800,
     48             'upload_date': '20181009',
     49             'duration': 606.84,
     50             'series': 'Klassen',
     51             'season': 'Klassen I',
     52             'season_number': 1,
     53             'season_id': 'urn:dr:mu:bundle:57d7e8216187a4031cfd6f6b',
     54             'episode': 'Episode 10',
     55             'episode_number': 10,
     56             'release_year': 2016,
     57         },
     58         'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download f4m manifest'],
     59     }, {
     60         # embed
     61         'url': '',
     62         'info_dict': {
     63             'id': 'urn:dr:mu:programcard:57c926176187a50a9c6e83c6',
     64             'ext': 'mp4',
     65             'title': 'christiania pusher street ryddes drdkrjpo',
     66             'description': 'md5:2a71898b15057e9b97334f61d04e6eb5',
     67             'timestamp': 1472800279,
     68             'upload_date': '20160902',
     69             'duration': 131.4,
     70         },
     71         'params': {
     72             'skip_download': True,
     73         },
     74         'expected_warnings': ['Unable to download f4m manifest'],
     75     }, {
     76         # with SignLanguage formats
     77         'url': '',
     78         'info_dict': {
     79             'id': 'historien-om-danmark-stenalder',
     80             'ext': 'mp4',
     81             'title': 'Historien om Danmark: Stenalder',
     82             'description': 'md5:8c66dcbc1669bbc6f873879880f37f2a',
     83             'timestamp': 1546628400,
     84             'upload_date': '20190104',
     85             'duration': 3502.56,
     86             'formats': 'mincount:20',
     87         },
     88         'params': {
     89             'skip_download': True,
     90         },
     91     }, {
     92         'url': '',
     93         'only_matching': True,
     94     }, {
     95         'url': '',
     96         'info_dict': {
     97             'id': '00951930010',
     98             'ext': 'mp4',
     99             'title': 'Bonderøven (1:8)',
    100             'description': 'md5:3cf18fc0d3b205745d4505f896af8121',
    101             'timestamp': 1546542000,
    102             'upload_date': '20190103',
    103             'duration': 2576.6,
    104         },
    105         'params': {
    106             'skip_download': True,
    107         },
    108     }, {
    109         'url': '',
    110         'only_matching': True,
    111     }, {
    112         'url': '',
    113         'only_matching': True,
    114     }, {
    115         'url': '',
    116         'only_matching': True,
    117     }]
    119     def _real_extract(self, url):
    120         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    122         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
    124         if '>Programmet er ikke længere tilgængeligt' in webpage:
    125             raise ExtractorError(
    126                 'Video %s is not available' % video_id, expected=True)
    128         video_id = self._search_regex(
    129             (r'data-(?:material-identifier|episode-slug)="([^"]+)"',
    130              r'data-resource="[^>"]+mu/programcard/expanded/([^"]+)"'),
    131             webpage, 'video id', default=None)
    133         if not video_id:
    134             video_id = self._search_regex(
    135                 r'(urn(?:%3A|:)dr(?:%3A|:)mu(?:%3A|:)programcard(?:%3A|:)[\da-f]+)',
    136                 webpage, 'urn', default=None)
    137             if video_id:
    138                 video_id = compat_urllib_parse_unquote(video_id)
    140         _PROGRAMCARD_BASE = ''
    141         query = {'expanded': 'true'}
    143         if video_id:
    144             programcard_url = '%s/%s' % (_PROGRAMCARD_BASE, video_id)
    145         else:
    146             programcard_url = _PROGRAMCARD_BASE
    147             page = self._parse_json(
    148                 self._search_regex(
    149                     r'data\s*=\s*({.+?})\s*(?:;|</script)', webpage,
    150                     'data'), '1')['cache']['page']
    151             page = page[list(page.keys())[0]]
    152             item = try_get(
    153                 page, (lambda x: x['item'], lambda x: x['entries'][0]['item']),
    154                 dict)
    155             video_id = item['customId'].split(':')[-1]
    156             query['productionnumber'] = video_id
    158         data = self._download_json(
    159             programcard_url, video_id, 'Downloading video JSON', query=query)
    161         title = str_or_none(data.get('Title')) or re.sub(
    162             r'\s*\|\s*(?:TV\s*\|\s*DR|DRTV)$', '',
    163             self._og_search_title(webpage))
    164         description = self._og_search_description(
    165             webpage, default=None) or data.get('Description')
    167         timestamp = unified_timestamp(
    168             data.get('PrimaryBroadcastStartTime') or data.get('SortDateTime'))
    170         thumbnail = None
    171         duration = None
    173         restricted_to_denmark = False
    175         formats = []
    176         subtitles = {}
    178         assets = []
    179         primary_asset = data.get('PrimaryAsset')
    180         if isinstance(primary_asset, dict):
    181             assets.append(primary_asset)
    182         secondary_assets = data.get('SecondaryAssets')
    183         if isinstance(secondary_assets, list):
    184             for secondary_asset in secondary_assets:
    185                 if isinstance(secondary_asset, dict):
    186                     assets.append(secondary_asset)
    188         def hex_to_bytes(hex):
    189             return binascii.a2b_hex(hex.encode('ascii'))
    191         def decrypt_uri(e):
    192             n = int(e[2:10], 16)
    193             a = e[10 + n:]
    194             data = bytes_to_intlist(hex_to_bytes(e[10:10 + n]))
    195             key = bytes_to_intlist(hashlib.sha256(
    196                 ('%s:sRBzYNXBzkKgnjj8pGtkACch' % a).encode('utf-8')).digest())
    197             iv = bytes_to_intlist(hex_to_bytes(a))
    198             decrypted = aes_cbc_decrypt(data, key, iv)
    199             return intlist_to_bytes(
    200                 decrypted[:-decrypted[-1]]).decode('utf-8').split('?')[0]
    202         for asset in assets:
    203             kind = asset.get('Kind')
    204             if kind == 'Image':
    205                 thumbnail = url_or_none(asset.get('Uri'))
    206             elif kind in ('VideoResource', 'AudioResource'):
    207                 duration = float_or_none(asset.get('DurationInMilliseconds'), 1000)
    208                 restricted_to_denmark = asset.get('RestrictedToDenmark')
    209                 asset_target = asset.get('Target')
    210                 for link in asset.get('Links', []):
    211                     uri = link.get('Uri')
    212                     if not uri:
    213                         encrypted_uri = link.get('EncryptedUri')
    214                         if not encrypted_uri:
    215                             continue
    216                         try:
    217                             uri = decrypt_uri(encrypted_uri)
    218                         except Exception:
    219                             self.report_warning(
    220                                 'Unable to decrypt EncryptedUri', video_id)
    221                             continue
    222                     uri = url_or_none(uri)
    223                     if not uri:
    224                         continue
    225                     target = link.get('Target')
    226                     format_id = target or ''
    227                     if asset_target in ('SpokenSubtitles', 'SignLanguage', 'VisuallyInterpreted'):
    228                         preference = -1
    229                         format_id += '-%s' % asset_target
    230                     elif asset_target == 'Default':
    231                         preference = 1
    232                     else:
    233                         preference = None
    234                     if target == 'HDS':
    235                         f4m_formats = self._extract_f4m_formats(
    236                             uri + '?hdcore=3.3.0&plugin=aasp-',
    237                             video_id, preference, f4m_id=format_id, fatal=False)
    238                         if kind == 'AudioResource':
    239                             for f in f4m_formats:
    240                                 f['vcodec'] = 'none'
    241                         formats.extend(f4m_formats)
    242                     elif target == 'HLS':
    243                         formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    244                             uri, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
    245                             preference=preference, m3u8_id=format_id,
    246                             fatal=False))
    247                     else:
    248                         bitrate = link.get('Bitrate')
    249                         if bitrate:
    250                             format_id += '-%s' % bitrate
    251                         formats.append({
    252                             'url': uri,
    253                             'format_id': format_id,
    254                             'tbr': int_or_none(bitrate),
    255                             'ext': link.get('FileFormat'),
    256                             'vcodec': 'none' if kind == 'AudioResource' else None,
    257                             'preference': preference,
    258                         })
    259             subtitles_list = asset.get('SubtitlesList') or asset.get('Subtitleslist')
    260             if isinstance(subtitles_list, list):
    261                 LANGS = {
    262                     'Danish': 'da',
    263                 }
    264                 for subs in subtitles_list:
    265                     if not isinstance(subs, dict):
    266                         continue
    267                     sub_uri = url_or_none(subs.get('Uri'))
    268                     if not sub_uri:
    269                         continue
    270                     lang = subs.get('Language') or 'da'
    271                     subtitles.setdefault(LANGS.get(lang, lang), []).append({
    272                         'url': sub_uri,
    273                         'ext': mimetype2ext(subs.get('MimeType')) or 'vtt'
    274                     })
    276         if not formats and restricted_to_denmark:
    277             self.raise_geo_restricted(
    278                 'Unfortunately, DR is not allowed to show this program outside Denmark.',
    279                 countries=self._GEO_COUNTRIES)
    281         self._sort_formats(formats)
    283         return {
    284             'id': video_id,
    285             'title': title,
    286             'description': description,
    287             'thumbnail': thumbnail,
    288             'timestamp': timestamp,
    289             'duration': duration,
    290             'formats': formats,
    291             'subtitles': subtitles,
    292             'series': str_or_none(data.get('SeriesTitle')),
    293             'season': str_or_none(data.get('SeasonTitle')),
    294             'season_number': int_or_none(data.get('SeasonNumber')),
    295             'season_id': str_or_none(data.get('SeasonUrn')),
    296             'episode': str_or_none(data.get('EpisodeTitle')),
    297             'episode_number': int_or_none(data.get('EpisodeNumber')),
    298             'release_year': int_or_none(data.get('ProductionYear')),
    299         }
    302 class DRTVLiveIE(InfoExtractor):
    303     IE_NAME = 'drtv:live'
    304     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?dr\.dk/(?:tv|TV)/live/(?P<id>[\da-z-]+)'
    305     _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['DK']
    306     _TEST = {
    307         'url': '',
    308         'info_dict': {
    309             'id': 'dr1',
    310             'ext': 'mp4',
    311             'title': 're:^DR1 [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$',
    312         },
    313         'params': {
    314             # m3u8 download
    315             'skip_download': True,
    316         },
    317     }
    319     def _real_extract(self, url):
    320         channel_id = self._match_id(url)
    321         channel_data = self._download_json(
    322             '' + channel_id,
    323             channel_id)
    324         title = self._live_title(channel_data['Title'])
    326         formats = []
    327         for streaming_server in channel_data.get('StreamingServers', []):
    328             server = streaming_server.get('Server')
    329             if not server:
    330                 continue
    331             link_type = streaming_server.get('LinkType')
    332             for quality in streaming_server.get('Qualities', []):
    333                 for stream in quality.get('Streams', []):
    334                     stream_path = stream.get('Stream')
    335                     if not stream_path:
    336                         continue
    337                     stream_url = update_url_query(
    338                         '%s/%s' % (server, stream_path), {'b': ''})
    339                     if link_type == 'HLS':
    340                         formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    341                             stream_url, channel_id, 'mp4',
    342                             m3u8_id=link_type, fatal=False, live=True))
    343                     elif link_type == 'HDS':
    344                         formats.extend(self._extract_f4m_formats(update_url_query(
    345                             '%s/%s' % (server, stream_path), {'hdcore': '3.7.0'}),
    346                             channel_id, f4m_id=link_type, fatal=False))
    347         self._sort_formats(formats)
    349         return {
    350             'id': channel_id,
    351             'title': title,
    352             'thumbnail': channel_data.get('PrimaryImageUri'),
    353             'formats': formats,
    354             'is_live': True,
    355         }