
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      3 import json
      4 import re
      6 from .common import InfoExtractor
      7 from ..compat import (
      8     compat_parse_qs,
      9     compat_urllib_parse,
     10     compat_urllib_parse_unquote,
     11 )
     12 from ..utils import (
     13     determine_ext,
     14     ExtractorError,
     15     int_or_none,
     16     get_element_by_attribute,
     17     mimetype2ext,
     18 )
     21 class MetacafeIE(InfoExtractor):
     22     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?metacafe\.com/watch/(?P<video_id>[^/]+)/(?P<display_id>[^/?#]+)'
     23     _DISCLAIMER = ''
     24     _FILTER_POST = ''
     25     IE_NAME = 'metacafe'
     26     _TESTS = [
     27         # Youtube video
     28         {
     29             'add_ie': ['Youtube'],
     30             'url': '',
     31             'info_dict': {
     32                 'id': '_aUehQsCQtM',
     33                 'ext': 'mp4',
     34                 'upload_date': '20090102',
     35                 'title': 'The Electric Company | "Short I" | PBS KIDS GO!',
     36                 'description': 'md5:2439a8ef6d5a70e380c22f5ad323e5a8',
     37                 'uploader': 'PBS',
     38                 'uploader_id': 'PBS'
     39             }
     40         },
     41         # Normal metacafe video
     42         {
     43             'url': '',
     44             'md5': '6e0bca200eaad2552e6915ed6fd4d9ad',
     45             'info_dict': {
     46                 'id': '11121940',
     47                 'ext': 'mp4',
     48                 'title': 'News: Stuff You Won\'t Do with Your PlayStation 4',
     49                 'uploader': 'ign',
     50                 'description': 'Sony released a massive FAQ on the PlayStation Blog detailing the PS4\'s capabilities and limitations.',
     51             },
     52             'skip': 'Page is temporarily unavailable.',
     53         },
     54         # metacafe video with family filter
     55         {
     56             'url': '',
     57             'md5': 'b06082c5079bbdcde677a6291fbdf376',
     58             'info_dict': {
     59                 'id': '2155630',
     60                 'ext': 'mp4',
     61                 'title': 'Adult Art By David Hart 156',
     62                 'uploader': '63346',
     63                 'description': 'md5:9afac8fc885252201ad14563694040fc',
     64             },
     65             'params': {
     66                 'skip_download': True,
     67             },
     68         },
     69         # AnyClip video
     70         {
     71             'url': '',
     72             'info_dict': {
     73                 'id': 'an-dVVXnuY7Jh77J',
     74                 'ext': 'mp4',
     75                 'title': 'The Andromeda Strain (1971): Stop the Bomb Part 3',
     76                 'uploader': 'AnyClip',
     77                 'description': 'md5:cbef0460d31e3807f6feb4e7a5952e5b',
     78             },
     79         },
     80         # age-restricted video
     81         {
     82             'url': '',
     83             'md5': '98dde7c1a35d02178e8ab7560fe8bd09',
     84             'info_dict': {
     85                 'id': '5186653',
     86                 'ext': 'mp4',
     87                 'title': 'BBC INTERNAL Christmas Tape \'79 - UNCENSORED Outtakes, Etc.',
     88                 'uploader': 'Dwayne Pipe',
     89                 'description': 'md5:950bf4c581e2c059911fa3ffbe377e4b',
     90                 'age_limit': 18,
     91             },
     92         },
     93         # cbs video
     94         {
     95             'url': '',
     96             'info_dict': {
     97                 'id': '8VD4r_Zws8VP',
     98                 'ext': 'flv',
     99                 'title': 'Open: This is Face the Nation, February 9',
    100                 'description': 'md5:8a9ceec26d1f7ed6eab610834cc1a476',
    101                 'duration': 96,
    102                 'uploader': 'CBSI-NEW',
    103                 'upload_date': '20140209',
    104                 'timestamp': 1391959800,
    105             },
    106             'params': {
    107                 # rtmp download
    108                 'skip_download': True,
    109             },
    110         },
    111         # video
    112         {
    113             'url': '',
    114             'info_dict': {
    115                 'id': 'mv-Wy7ZU',
    116                 'ext': 'mp4',
    117                 'title': 'My Week with Marilyn - Do You Love Me?',
    118                 'description': 'From the movie My Week with Marilyn - Colin (Eddie Redmayne) professes his love to Marilyn (Michelle Williams) and gets her to promise to return to set and finish the movie.',
    119                 'uploader': 'movie_trailers',
    120                 'duration': 176,
    121             },
    122             'params': {
    123                 'skip_download': 'requires rtmpdump',
    124             }
    125         }
    126     ]
    128     def report_disclaimer(self):
    129         self.to_screen('Retrieving disclaimer')
    131     def _real_extract(self, url):
    132         # Extract id and simplified title from URL
    133         video_id, display_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
    135         # the video may come from an external site
    136         m_external = re.match(r'^(\w{2})-(.*)$', video_id)
    137         if m_external is not None:
    138             prefix, ext_id = m_external.groups()
    139             # Check if video comes from YouTube
    140             if prefix == 'yt':
    141                 return self.url_result('' % ext_id, 'Youtube')
    142             # CBS videos use
    143             if prefix == 'cb':
    144                 return self.url_result('theplatform:%s' % ext_id, 'ThePlatform')
    146         headers = {
    147             # Disable family filter
    148             'Cookie': 'user=%s; ' % compat_urllib_parse.quote(json.dumps({'ffilter': False}))
    149         }
    151         # AnyClip videos require the flashversion cookie so that we get the link
    152         # to the mp4 file
    153         if video_id.startswith('an-'):
    154             headers['Cookie'] += 'flashVersion=0; '
    156         # Retrieve video webpage to extract further information
    157         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id, headers=headers)
    159         error = get_element_by_attribute(
    160             'class', 'notfound-page-title', webpage)
    161         if error:
    162             raise ExtractorError(error, expected=True)
    164         video_title = self._html_search_meta(
    165             ['og:title', 'twitter:title'], webpage, 'title', default=None) or self._search_regex(r'<h1>(.*?)</h1>', webpage, 'title')
    167         # Extract URL, uploader and title from webpage
    168         self.report_extraction(video_id)
    169         video_url = None
    170         mobj ='(?m)&(?:media|video)URL=([^&]+)', webpage)
    171         if mobj is not None:
    172             mediaURL = compat_urllib_parse_unquote(
    173             video_ext = determine_ext(mediaURL)
    175             # Extract gdaKey if available
    176             mobj ='(?m)&gdaKey=(.*?)&', webpage)
    177             if mobj is None:
    178                 video_url = mediaURL
    179             else:
    180                 gdaKey =
    181                 video_url = '%s?__gda__=%s' % (mediaURL, gdaKey)
    182         if video_url is None:
    183             mobj ='<video src="([^"]+)"', webpage)
    184             if mobj:
    185                 video_url =
    186                 video_ext = 'mp4'
    187         if video_url is None:
    188             flashvars = self._search_regex(
    189                 r' name="flashvars" value="(.*?)"', webpage, 'flashvars',
    190                 default=None)
    191             if flashvars:
    192                 vardict = compat_parse_qs(flashvars)
    193                 if 'mediaData' not in vardict:
    194                     raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract media URL')
    195                 mobj =
    196                     r'"mediaURL":"(?P<mediaURL>http.*?)",(.*?)"key":"(?P<key>.*?)"', vardict['mediaData'][0])
    197                 if mobj is None:
    198                     raise ExtractorError('Unable to extract media URL')
    199                 mediaURL ='mediaURL').replace('\\/', '/')
    200                 video_url = '%s?__gda__=%s' % (mediaURL,'key'))
    201                 video_ext = determine_ext(video_url)
    202         if video_url is None:
    203             player_url = self._search_regex(
    204                 r"swfobject\.embedSWF\('([^']+)'",
    205                 webpage, 'config URL', default=None)
    206             if player_url:
    207                 config_url = self._search_regex(
    208                     r'config=(.+)$', player_url, 'config URL')
    209                 config_doc = self._download_xml(
    210                     config_url, video_id,
    211                     note='Downloading video config')
    212                 smil_url = config_doc.find('.//properties').attrib['smil_file']
    213                 smil_doc = self._download_xml(
    214                     smil_url, video_id,
    215                     note='Downloading SMIL document')
    216                 base_url = smil_doc.find('./head/meta').attrib['base']
    217                 video_url = []
    218                 for vn in smil_doc.findall('.//video'):
    219                     br = int(vn.attrib['system-bitrate'])
    220                     play_path = vn.attrib['src']
    221                     video_url.append({
    222                         'format_id': 'smil-%d' % br,
    223                         'url': base_url,
    224                         'play_path': play_path,
    225                         'page_url': url,
    226                         'player_url': player_url,
    227                         'ext': play_path.partition(':')[0],
    228                     })
    229         if video_url is None:
    230             flashvars = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
    231                 r'flashvars\s*=\s*({.*});', webpage, 'flashvars',
    232                 default=None), video_id, fatal=False)
    233             if flashvars:
    234                 video_url = []
    235                 for source in flashvars.get('sources'):
    236                     source_url = source.get('src')
    237                     if not source_url:
    238                         continue
    239                     ext = mimetype2ext(source.get('type')) or determine_ext(source_url)
    240                     if ext == 'm3u8':
    241                         video_url.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    242                             source_url, video_id, 'mp4',
    243                             'm3u8_native', m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
    244                     else:
    245                         video_url.append({
    246                             'url': source_url,
    247                             'ext': ext,
    248                         })
    250         if video_url is None:
    251             raise ExtractorError('Unsupported video type')
    253         description = self._html_search_meta(
    254             ['og:description', 'twitter:description', 'description'],
    255             webpage, 'title', fatal=False)
    256         thumbnail = self._html_search_meta(
    257             ['og:image', 'twitter:image'], webpage, 'title', fatal=False)
    258         video_uploader = self._html_search_regex(
    259             r'submitter=(.*?);|googletag\.pubads\(\)\.setTargeting\("(?:channel|submiter)","([^"]+)"\);',
    260             webpage, 'uploader nickname', fatal=False)
    261         duration = int_or_none(
    262             self._html_search_meta('video:duration', webpage, default=None))
    263         age_limit = (
    264             18
    265             if'(?:"contentRating":|"rating",)"restricted"', webpage)
    266             else 0)
    268         if isinstance(video_url, list):
    269             formats = video_url
    270         else:
    271             formats = [{
    272                 'url': video_url,
    273                 'ext': video_ext,
    274             }]
    275         self._sort_formats(formats)
    277         return {
    278             'id': video_id,
    279             'display_id': display_id,
    280             'description': description,
    281             'uploader': video_uploader,
    282             'title': video_title,
    283             'thumbnail': thumbnail,
    284             'age_limit': age_limit,
    285             'formats': formats,
    286             'duration': duration,
    287         }