
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 from .common import InfoExtractor
      5 from ..compat import compat_str
      6 from ..utils import (
      7     clean_html,
      8     int_or_none,
      9     str_or_none,
     10     strip_or_none,
     11 )
     14 class MindsBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     15     _VALID_URL_BASE = r'https?://(?:www\.)?minds\.com/'
     17     def _call_api(self, path, video_id, resource, query=None):
     18         api_url = '' + path
     19         token = self._get_cookies(api_url).get('XSRF-TOKEN')
     20         return self._download_json(
     21             api_url, video_id, 'Downloading %s JSON metadata' % resource, headers={
     22                 'Referer': '',
     23                 'X-XSRF-TOKEN': token.value if token else '',
     24             }, query=query)
     27 class MindsIE(MindsBaseIE):
     28     IE_NAME = 'minds'
     29     _VALID_URL = MindsBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE + r'(?:media|newsfeed|archive/view)/(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
     30     _TESTS = [{
     31         'url': '',
     32         'md5': '215a658184a419764852239d4970b045',
     33         'info_dict': {
     34             'id': '100000000000086822',
     35             'ext': 'mp4',
     36             'title': 'Minds intro sequence',
     37             'thumbnail': r're:https?://.+\.png',
     38             'uploader_id': 'ottman',
     39             'upload_date': '20130524',
     40             'timestamp': 1369404826,
     41             'uploader': 'Bill Ottman',
     42             'view_count': int,
     43             'like_count': int,
     44             'dislike_count': int,
     45             'tags': ['animation'],
     46             'comment_count': int,
     47             'license': 'attribution-cc',
     48         },
     49     }, {
     50         # entity.type == 'activity' and empty title
     51         'url': '',
     52         'md5': 'b2733a74af78d7fd3f541c4cbbaa5950',
     53         'info_dict': {
     54             'id': '798022190320226304',
     55             'ext': 'mp4',
     56             'title': '798022190320226304',
     57             'uploader': 'ColinFlaherty',
     58             'upload_date': '20180111',
     59             'timestamp': 1515639316,
     60             'uploader_id': 'ColinFlaherty',
     61         },
     62     }, {
     63         'url': '',
     64         'only_matching': True,
     65     }, {
     66         # youtube perma_url
     67         'url': '',
     68         'only_matching': True,
     69     }]
     71     def _real_extract(self, url):
     72         entity_id = self._match_id(url)
     73         entity = self._call_api(
     74             'v1/entities/entity/' + entity_id, entity_id, 'entity')['entity']
     75         if entity.get('type') == 'activity':
     76             if entity.get('custom_type') == 'video':
     77                 video_id = entity['entity_guid']
     78             else:
     79                 return self.url_result(entity['perma_url'])
     80         else:
     81             assert(entity['subtype'] == 'video')
     82             video_id = entity_id
     83         # 1080p and webm formats available only on the sources array
     84         video = self._call_api(
     85             'v2/media/video/' + video_id, video_id, 'video')
     87         formats = []
     88         for source in (video.get('sources') or []):
     89             src = source.get('src')
     90             if not src:
     91                 continue
     92             formats.append({
     93                 'format_id': source.get('label'),
     94                 'height': int_or_none(source.get('size')),
     95                 'url': src,
     96             })
     97         self._sort_formats(formats)
     99         entity = video.get('entity') or entity
    100         owner = entity.get('ownerObj') or {}
    101         uploader_id = owner.get('username')
    103         tags = entity.get('tags')
    104         if tags and isinstance(tags, compat_str):
    105             tags = [tags]
    107         thumbnail = None
    108         poster = video.get('poster') or entity.get('thumbnail_src')
    109         if poster:
    110             urlh = self._request_webpage(poster, video_id, fatal=False)
    111             if urlh:
    112                 thumbnail = urlh.geturl()
    114         return {
    115             'id': video_id,
    116             'title': entity.get('title') or video_id,
    117             'formats': formats,
    118             'description': clean_html(entity.get('description')) or None,
    119             'license': str_or_none(entity.get('license')),
    120             'timestamp': int_or_none(entity.get('time_created')),
    121             'uploader': strip_or_none(owner.get('name')),
    122             'uploader_id': uploader_id,
    123             'uploader_url': '' + uploader_id if uploader_id else None,
    124             'view_count': int_or_none(entity.get('play:count')),
    125             'like_count': int_or_none(entity.get('thumbs:up:count')),
    126             'dislike_count': int_or_none(entity.get('thumbs:down:count')),
    127             'tags': tags,
    128             'comment_count': int_or_none(entity.get('comments:count')),
    129             'thumbnail': thumbnail,
    130         }
    133 class MindsFeedBaseIE(MindsBaseIE):
    134     _PAGE_SIZE = 150
    136     def _entries(self, feed_id):
    137         query = {'limit': self._PAGE_SIZE, 'sync': 1}
    138         i = 1
    139         while True:
    140             data = self._call_api(
    141                 'v2/feeds/container/%s/videos' % feed_id,
    142                 feed_id, 'page %s' % i, query)
    143             entities = data.get('entities') or []
    144             for entity in entities:
    145                 guid = entity.get('guid')
    146                 if not guid:
    147                     continue
    148                 yield self.url_result(
    149                     '' + guid,
    150                     MindsIE.ie_key(), guid)
    151             query['from_timestamp'] = data['load-next']
    152             if not (query['from_timestamp'] and len(entities) == self._PAGE_SIZE):
    153                 break
    154             i += 1
    156     def _real_extract(self, url):
    157         feed_id = self._match_id(url)
    158         feed = self._call_api(
    159             'v1/%s/%s' % (self._FEED_PATH, feed_id),
    160             feed_id, self._FEED_TYPE)[self._FEED_TYPE]
    162         return self.playlist_result(
    163             self._entries(feed['guid']), feed_id,
    164             strip_or_none(feed.get('name')),
    165             feed.get('briefdescription'))
    168 class MindsChannelIE(MindsFeedBaseIE):
    169     _FEED_TYPE = 'channel'
    170     IE_NAME = 'minds:' + _FEED_TYPE
    171     _VALID_URL = MindsBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE + r'(?!(?:newsfeed|media|api|archive|groups)/)(?P<id>[^/?&#]+)'
    172     _FEED_PATH = 'channel'
    173     _TEST = {
    174         'url': '',
    175         'info_dict': {
    176             'id': 'ottman',
    177             'title': 'Bill Ottman',
    178             'description': 'Co-creator & CEO @minds',
    179         },
    180         'playlist_mincount': 54,
    181     }
    184 class MindsGroupIE(MindsFeedBaseIE):
    185     _FEED_TYPE = 'group'
    186     IE_NAME = 'minds:' + _FEED_TYPE
    187     _VALID_URL = MindsBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE + r'groups/profile/(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
    188     _FEED_PATH = 'groups/group'
    189     _TEST = {
    190         'url': '',
    191         'info_dict': {
    192             'id': '785582576369672204',
    193             'title': 'Cooking Videos',
    194         },
    195         'playlist_mincount': 1,
    196     }