
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      3 import base64
      4 import json
      5 import re
      7 from .common import InfoExtractor
      8 from .theplatform import ThePlatformIE
      9 from .adobepass import AdobePassIE
     10 from ..compat import compat_urllib_parse_unquote
     11 from ..utils import (
     12     int_or_none,
     13     parse_duration,
     14     smuggle_url,
     15     try_get,
     16     unified_timestamp,
     17     update_url_query,
     18 )
     21 class NBCIE(AdobePassIE):
     22     _VALID_URL = r'https?(?P<permalink>://(?:www\.)?nbc\.com/(?:classic-tv/)?[^/]+/video/[^/]+/(?P<id>n?\d+))'
     24     _TESTS = [
     25         {
     26             'url': '',
     27             'info_dict': {
     28                 'id': '2848237',
     29                 'ext': 'mp4',
     30                 'title': 'Jimmy Fallon Surprises Fans at Ben & Jerry\'s',
     31                 'description': 'Jimmy gives out free scoops of his new "Tonight Dough" ice cream flavor by surprising customers at the Ben & Jerry\'s scoop shop.',
     32                 'timestamp': 1424246400,
     33                 'upload_date': '20150218',
     34                 'uploader': 'NBCU-COM',
     35             },
     36             'params': {
     37                 # m3u8 download
     38                 'skip_download': True,
     39             },
     40         },
     41         {
     42             'url': '',
     43             'info_dict': {
     44                 'id': '2832821',
     45                 'ext': 'mp4',
     46                 'title': 'Star Wars Teaser',
     47                 'description': 'md5:0b40f9cbde5b671a7ff62fceccc4f442',
     48                 'timestamp': 1417852800,
     49                 'upload_date': '20141206',
     50                 'uploader': 'NBCU-COM',
     51             },
     52             'params': {
     53                 # m3u8 download
     54                 'skip_download': True,
     55             },
     56             'skip': 'Only works from US',
     57         },
     58         {
     59             # HLS streams requires the 'hdnea3' cookie
     60             'url': '',
     61             'info_dict': {
     62                 'id': '101528f5a9e8127b107e98c5e6ce4638',
     63                 'ext': 'mp4',
     64                 'title': 'Goliath',
     65                 'description': 'When an unknown soldier saves the life of the King\'s son in battle, he\'s thrust into the limelight and politics of the kingdom.',
     66                 'timestamp': 1237100400,
     67                 'upload_date': '20090315',
     68                 'uploader': 'NBCU-COM',
     69             },
     70             'params': {
     71                 'skip_download': True,
     72             },
     73             'skip': 'Only works from US',
     74         },
     75         {
     76             'url': '',
     77             'only_matching': True,
     78         },
     79         {
     80             # Percent escaped url
     81             'url': '',
     82             'only_matching': True,
     83         }
     84     ]
     86     def _real_extract(self, url):
     87         permalink, video_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
     88         permalink = 'http' + compat_urllib_parse_unquote(permalink)
     89         video_data = self._download_json(
     90             '', video_id, query={
     91                 'query': '''query bonanzaPage(
     92   $app: NBCUBrands! = nbc
     93   $name: String!
     94   $oneApp: Boolean
     95   $platform: SupportedPlatforms! = web
     96   $type: EntityPageType! = VIDEO
     97   $userId: String!
     98 ) {
     99   bonanzaPage(
    100     app: $app
    101     name: $name
    102     oneApp: $oneApp
    103     platform: $platform
    104     type: $type
    105     userId: $userId
    106   ) {
    107     metadata {
    108       ... on VideoPageData {
    109         description
    110         episodeNumber
    111         keywords
    112         locked
    113         mpxAccountId
    114         mpxGuid
    115         rating
    116         resourceId
    117         seasonNumber
    118         secondaryTitle
    119         seriesShortTitle
    120       }
    121     }
    122   }
    123 }''',
    124                 'variables': json.dumps({
    125                     'name': permalink,
    126                     'oneApp': True,
    127                     'userId': '0',
    128                 }),
    129             })['data']['bonanzaPage']['metadata']
    130         query = {
    131             'mbr': 'true',
    132             'manifest': 'm3u',
    133         }
    134         video_id = video_data['mpxGuid']
    135         title = video_data['secondaryTitle']
    136         if video_data.get('locked'):
    137             resource = self._get_mvpd_resource(
    138                 video_data.get('resourceId') or 'nbcentertainment',
    139                 title, video_id, video_data.get('rating'))
    140             query['auth'] = self._extract_mvpd_auth(
    141                 url, video_id, 'nbcentertainment', resource)
    142         theplatform_url = smuggle_url(update_url_query(
    143             '' % (video_data.get('mpxAccountId') or '2410887629', video_id),
    144             query), {'force_smil_url': True})
    145         return {
    146             '_type': 'url_transparent',
    147             'id': video_id,
    148             'title': title,
    149             'url': theplatform_url,
    150             'description': video_data.get('description'),
    151             'tags': video_data.get('keywords'),
    152             'season_number': int_or_none(video_data.get('seasonNumber')),
    153             'episode_number': int_or_none(video_data.get('episodeNumber')),
    154             'episode': title,
    155             'series': video_data.get('seriesShortTitle'),
    156             'ie_key': 'ThePlatform',
    157         }
    160 class NBCSportsVPlayerIE(InfoExtractor):
    161     _VALID_URL_BASE = r'https?://(?:vplayer\.nbcsports\.com|(?:www\.)?nbcsports\.com/vplayer)/'
    162     _VALID_URL = _VALID_URL_BASE + r'(?:[^/]+/)+(?P<id>[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)'
    164     _TESTS = [{
    165         'url': '',
    166         'info_dict': {
    167             'id': '9CsDKds0kvHI',
    168             'ext': 'mp4',
    169             'description': 'md5:df390f70a9ba7c95ff1daace988f0d8d',
    170             'title': 'Tyler Kalinoski hits buzzer-beater to lift Davidson',
    171             'timestamp': 1426270238,
    172             'upload_date': '20150313',
    173             'uploader': 'NBCU-SPORTS',
    174         }
    175     }, {
    176         'url': '',
    177         'only_matching': True,
    178     }, {
    179         'url': '',
    180         'only_matching': True,
    181     }]
    183     @staticmethod
    184     def _extract_url(webpage):
    185         iframe_m =
    186             r'<(?:iframe[^>]+|div[^>]+data-(?:mpx-)?)src="(?P<url>%s[^"]+)"' % NBCSportsVPlayerIE._VALID_URL_BASE, webpage)
    187         if iframe_m:
    188             return'url')
    190     def _real_extract(self, url):
    191         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    192         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
    193         theplatform_url = self._og_search_video_url(webpage).replace(
    194             '', '')
    195         return self.url_result(theplatform_url, 'ThePlatform')
    198 class NBCSportsIE(InfoExtractor):
    199     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?nbcsports\.com//?(?!vplayer/)(?:[^/]+/)+(?P<id>[0-9a-z-]+)'
    201     _TESTS = [{
    202         # iframe src
    203         'url': '',
    204         'info_dict': {
    205             'id': 'PHJSaFWbrTY9',
    206             'ext': 'mp4',
    207             'title': 'Tom Izzo, Michigan St. has \'so much respect\' for Duke',
    208             'description': 'md5:ecb459c9d59e0766ac9c7d5d0eda8113',
    209             'uploader': 'NBCU-SPORTS',
    210             'upload_date': '20150330',
    211             'timestamp': 1427726529,
    212         }
    213     }, {
    214         # data-mpx-src
    215         'url': '',
    216         'only_matching': True,
    217     }, {
    218         # data-src
    219         'url': '',
    220         'only_matching': True,
    221     }]
    223     def _real_extract(self, url):
    224         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    225         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
    226         return self.url_result(
    227             NBCSportsVPlayerIE._extract_url(webpage), 'NBCSportsVPlayer')
    230 class NBCSportsStreamIE(AdobePassIE):
    231     _VALID_URL = r'https?://stream\.nbcsports\.com/.+?\bpid=(?P<id>\d+)'
    232     _TEST = {
    233         'url': '',
    234         'info_dict': {
    235             'id': '206559',
    236             'ext': 'mp4',
    237             'title': 'Amgen Tour of California Women\'s Recap',
    238             'description': 'md5:66520066b3b5281ada7698d0ea2aa894',
    239         },
    240         'params': {
    241             # m3u8 download
    242             'skip_download': True,
    243         },
    244         'skip': 'Requires Adobe Pass Authentication',
    245     }
    247     def _real_extract(self, url):
    248         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    249         live_source = self._download_json(
    250             '' % video_id,
    251             video_id)
    252         video_source = live_source['videoSources'][0]
    253         title = video_source['title']
    254         source_url = None
    255         for k in ('source', 'msl4source', 'iossource', 'hlsv4'):
    256             sk = k + 'Url'
    257             source_url = video_source.get(sk) or video_source.get(sk + 'Alt')
    258             if source_url:
    259                 break
    260         else:
    261             source_url = video_source['ottStreamUrl']
    262         is_live = video_source.get('type') == 'live' or video_source.get('status') == 'Live'
    263         resource = self._get_mvpd_resource('nbcsports', title, video_id, '')
    264         token = self._extract_mvpd_auth(url, video_id, 'nbcsports', resource)
    265         tokenized_url = self._download_json(
    266             '',
    267             video_id, data=json.dumps({
    268                 'requestorId': 'nbcsports',
    269                 'pid': video_id,
    270                 'application': 'NBCSports',
    271                 'version': 'v1',
    272                 'platform': 'desktop',
    273                 'cdn': 'akamai',
    274                 'url': video_source['sourceUrl'],
    275                 'token': base64.b64encode(token.encode()).decode(),
    276                 'resourceId': base64.b64encode(resource.encode()).decode(),
    277             }).encode())['tokenizedUrl']
    278         formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(tokenized_url, video_id, 'mp4')
    279         self._sort_formats(formats)
    280         return {
    281             'id': video_id,
    282             'title': self._live_title(title) if is_live else title,
    283             'description': live_source.get('description'),
    284             'formats': formats,
    285             'is_live': is_live,
    286         }
    289 class NBCNewsIE(ThePlatformIE):
    290     _VALID_URL = r'(?x)https?://(?:www\.)?(?:nbcnews|today|msnbc)\.com/([^/]+/)*(?:.*-)?(?P<id>[^/?]+)'
    292     _TESTS = [
    293         {
    294             'url': '',
    295             'md5': 'cf4bc9e6ce0130f00f545d80ecedd4bf',
    296             'info_dict': {
    297                 'id': '269389891880',
    298                 'ext': 'mp4',
    299                 'title': 'How Twitter Reacted To The Snowden Interview',
    300                 'description': 'md5:65a0bd5d76fe114f3c2727aa3a81fe64',
    301                 'timestamp': 1401363060,
    302                 'upload_date': '20140529',
    303             },
    304         },
    305         {
    306             'url': '',
    307             'md5': 'fdbf39ab73a72df5896b6234ff98518a',
    308             'info_dict': {
    309                 'id': '529953347624',
    310                 'ext': 'mp4',
    311                 'title': 'FULL EPISODE: Family Business',
    312                 'description': 'md5:757988edbaae9d7be1d585eb5d55cc04',
    313             },
    314             'skip': 'This page is unavailable.',
    315         },
    316         {
    317             'url': '',
    318             'md5': '8eb831eca25bfa7d25ddd83e85946548',
    319             'info_dict': {
    320                 'id': '394064451844',
    321                 'ext': 'mp4',
    322                 'title': 'Nightly News with Brian Williams Full Broadcast (February 4)',
    323                 'description': 'md5:1c10c1eccbe84a26e5debb4381e2d3c5',
    324                 'timestamp': 1423104900,
    325                 'upload_date': '20150205',
    326             },
    327         },
    328         {
    329             'url': '',
    330             'md5': '4a8c4cec9e1ded51060bdda36ff0a5c0',
    331             'info_dict': {
    332                 'id': 'n431456',
    333                 'ext': 'mp4',
    334                 'title': "Volkswagen U.S. Chief:  We 'Totally Screwed Up'",
    335                 'description': 'md5:d22d1281a24f22ea0880741bb4dd6301',
    336                 'upload_date': '20150922',
    337                 'timestamp': 1442917800,
    338             },
    339         },
    340         {
    341             'url': '',
    342             'md5': '118d7ca3f0bea6534f119c68ef539f71',
    343             'info_dict': {
    344                 'id': '669831235788',
    345                 'ext': 'mp4',
    346                 'title': 'See the aurora borealis from space in stunning new NASA video',
    347                 'description': 'md5:74752b7358afb99939c5f8bb2d1d04b1',
    348                 'upload_date': '20160420',
    349                 'timestamp': 1461152093,
    350             },
    351         },
    352         {
    353             'url': '',
    354             'md5': '6d236bf4f3dddc226633ce6e2c3f814d',
    355             'info_dict': {
    356                 'id': '314487875924',
    357                 'ext': 'mp4',
    358                 'title': 'The chaotic GOP immigration vote',
    359                 'description': 'The Republican House votes on a border bill that has no chance of getting through the Senate or signed by the President and is drawing criticism from all sides.',
    360                 'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
    361                 'timestamp': 1406937606,
    362                 'upload_date': '20140802',
    363             },
    364         },
    365         {
    366             'url': '',
    367             'only_matching': True,
    368         },
    369         {
    370             # From
    371             'url': '',
    372             'only_matching': True,
    373         },
    374     ]
    376     def _real_extract(self, url):
    377         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    378         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, video_id)
    380         data = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
    381             r'<script[^>]+id="__NEXT_DATA__"[^>]*>({.+?})</script>',
    382             webpage, 'bootstrap json'), video_id)['props']['initialState']
    383         video_data = try_get(data, lambda x: x['video']['current'], dict)
    384         if not video_data:
    385             video_data = data['article']['content'][0]['primaryMedia']['video']
    386         title = video_data['headline']['primary']
    388         formats = []
    389         for va in video_data.get('videoAssets', []):
    390             public_url = va.get('publicUrl')
    391             if not public_url:
    392                 continue
    393             if '://' in public_url:
    394                 public_url = update_url_query(public_url, {'format': 'redirect'})
    395             format_id = va.get('format')
    396             if format_id == 'M3U':
    397                 formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    398                     public_url, video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native',
    399                     m3u8_id=format_id, fatal=False))
    400                 continue
    401             tbr = int_or_none(va.get('bitrate'), 1000)
    402             if tbr:
    403                 format_id += '-%d' % tbr
    404             formats.append({
    405                 'format_id': format_id,
    406                 'url': public_url,
    407                 'width': int_or_none(va.get('width')),
    408                 'height': int_or_none(va.get('height')),
    409                 'tbr': tbr,
    410                 'ext': 'mp4',
    411             })
    412         self._sort_formats(formats)
    414         subtitles = {}
    415         closed_captioning = video_data.get('closedCaptioning')
    416         if closed_captioning:
    417             for cc_url in closed_captioning.values():
    418                 if not cc_url:
    419                     continue
    420                 subtitles.setdefault('en', []).append({
    421                     'url': cc_url,
    422                 })
    424         return {
    425             'id': video_id,
    426             'title': title,
    427             'description': try_get(video_data, lambda x: x['description']['primary']),
    428             'thumbnail': try_get(video_data, lambda x: x['primaryImage']['url']['primary']),
    429             'duration': parse_duration(video_data.get('duration')),
    430             'timestamp': unified_timestamp(video_data.get('datePublished')),
    431             'formats': formats,
    432             'subtitles': subtitles,
    433         }
    436 class NBCOlympicsIE(InfoExtractor):
    437     IE_NAME = 'nbcolympics'
    438     _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.nbcolympics\.com/video/(?P<id>[a-z-]+)'
    440     _TEST = {
    441         # Geo-restricted to US
    442         'url': '',
    443         'md5': '54fecf846d05429fbaa18af557ee523a',
    444         'info_dict': {
    445             'id': 'WjTBzDXx5AUq',
    446             'display_id': 'justin-roses-son-leo-was-tears-after-his-dad-won-gold',
    447             'ext': 'mp4',
    448             'title': 'Rose\'s son Leo was in tears after his dad won gold',
    449             'description': 'Olympic gold medalist Justin Rose gets emotional talking to the impact his win in men\'s golf has already had on his children.',
    450             'timestamp': 1471274964,
    451             'upload_date': '20160815',
    452             'uploader': 'NBCU-SPORTS',
    453         },
    454     }
    456     def _real_extract(self, url):
    457         display_id = self._match_id(url)
    459         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
    461         drupal_settings = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
    462             r'jQuery\.extend\(Drupal\.settings\s*,\s*({.+?})\);',
    463             webpage, 'drupal settings'), display_id)
    465         iframe_url = drupal_settings['vod']['iframe_url']
    466         theplatform_url = iframe_url.replace(
    467             '', '')
    469         return {
    470             '_type': 'url_transparent',
    471             'url': theplatform_url,
    472             'ie_key': ThePlatformIE.ie_key(),
    473             'display_id': display_id,
    474         }
    477 class NBCOlympicsStreamIE(AdobePassIE):
    478     IE_NAME = 'nbcolympics:stream'
    479     _VALID_URL = r'https?://stream\.nbcolympics\.com/(?P<id>[0-9a-z-]+)'
    480     _TEST = {
    481         'url': '',
    482         'info_dict': {
    483             'id': '203493',
    484             'ext': 'mp4',
    485             'title': 're:Curling, Alpine, Luge [0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$',
    486         },
    487         'params': {
    488             # m3u8 download
    489             'skip_download': True,
    490         },
    491     }
    492     _DATA_URL_TEMPLATE = ''
    494     def _real_extract(self, url):
    495         display_id = self._match_id(url)
    496         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
    497         pid = self._search_regex(r'pid\s*=\s*(\d+);', webpage, 'pid')
    498         resource = self._search_regex(
    499             r"resource\s*=\s*'(.+)';", webpage,
    500             'resource').replace("' + pid + '", pid)
    501         event_config = self._download_json(
    502             self._DATA_URL_TEMPLATE % ('event_config', pid),
    503             pid)['eventConfig']
    504         title = self._live_title(event_config['eventTitle'])
    505         source_url = self._download_json(
    506             self._DATA_URL_TEMPLATE % ('live_sources', pid),
    507             pid)['videoSources'][0]['sourceUrl']
    508         media_token = self._extract_mvpd_auth(
    509             url, pid, event_config.get('requestorId', 'NBCOlympics'), resource)
    510         formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(self._download_webpage(
    511             '', pid, query={
    512                 'cdn': 'akamai',
    513                 'mediaToken': base64.b64encode(media_token.encode()),
    514                 'resource': base64.b64encode(resource.encode()),
    515                 'url': source_url,
    516             }), pid, 'mp4')
    517         self._sort_formats(formats)
    519         return {
    520             'id': pid,
    521             'display_id': display_id,
    522             'title': title,
    523             'formats': formats,
    524             'is_live': True,
    525         }