
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      3 import base64
      4 import re
      6 from .common import InfoExtractor
      7 from ..compat import (
      8     compat_b64decode,
      9     compat_str,
     10 )
     11 from ..utils import (
     12     determine_ext,
     13     ExtractorError,
     14     float_or_none,
     15     int_or_none,
     16     try_get,
     17     unsmuggle_url,
     18 )
     21 class OoyalaBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     22     _PLAYER_BASE = ''
     23     _CONTENT_TREE_BASE = _PLAYER_BASE + 'player_api/v1/content_tree/'
     24     _AUTHORIZATION_URL_TEMPLATE = _PLAYER_BASE + 'sas/player_api/v2/authorization/embed_code/%s/%s'
     26     def _extract(self, content_tree_url, video_id, domain=None, supportedformats=None, embed_token=None):
     27         content_tree = self._download_json(content_tree_url, video_id)['content_tree']
     28         metadata = content_tree[list(content_tree)[0]]
     29         embed_code = metadata['embed_code']
     30         pcode = metadata.get('asset_pcode') or embed_code
     31         title = metadata['title']
     33         auth_data = self._download_json(
     34             self._AUTHORIZATION_URL_TEMPLATE % (pcode, embed_code),
     35             video_id, headers=self.geo_verification_headers(), query={
     36                 'domain': domain or '',
     37                 'supportedFormats': supportedformats or 'mp4,rtmp,m3u8,hds,dash,smooth',
     38                 'embedToken': embed_token,
     39             })['authorization_data'][embed_code]
     41         urls = []
     42         formats = []
     43         streams = auth_data.get('streams') or [{
     44             'delivery_type': 'hls',
     45             'url': {
     46                 'data': base64.b64encode(('' % embed_code).encode()).decode(),
     47             }
     48         }]
     49         for stream in streams:
     50             url_data = try_get(stream, lambda x: x['url']['data'], compat_str)
     51             if not url_data:
     52                 continue
     53             s_url = compat_b64decode(url_data).decode('utf-8')
     54             if not s_url or s_url in urls:
     55                 continue
     56             urls.append(s_url)
     57             ext = determine_ext(s_url, None)
     58             delivery_type = stream.get('delivery_type')
     59             if delivery_type == 'hls' or ext == 'm3u8':
     60                 formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
     61                     re.sub(r'/ip(?:ad|hone)/', '/all/', s_url), embed_code, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native',
     62                     m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
     63             elif delivery_type == 'hds' or ext == 'f4m':
     64                 formats.extend(self._extract_f4m_formats(
     65                     s_url + '?hdcore=3.7.0', embed_code, f4m_id='hds', fatal=False))
     66             elif delivery_type == 'dash' or ext == 'mpd':
     67                 formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(
     68                     s_url, embed_code, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False))
     69             elif delivery_type == 'smooth':
     70                 self._extract_ism_formats(
     71                     s_url, embed_code, ism_id='mss', fatal=False)
     72             elif ext == 'smil':
     73                 formats.extend(self._extract_smil_formats(
     74                     s_url, embed_code, fatal=False))
     75             else:
     76                 formats.append({
     77                     'url': s_url,
     78                     'ext': ext or delivery_type,
     79                     'vcodec': stream.get('video_codec'),
     80                     'format_id': delivery_type,
     81                     'width': int_or_none(stream.get('width')),
     82                     'height': int_or_none(stream.get('height')),
     83                     'abr': int_or_none(stream.get('audio_bitrate')),
     84                     'vbr': int_or_none(stream.get('video_bitrate')),
     85                     'fps': float_or_none(stream.get('framerate')),
     86                 })
     87         if not formats and not auth_data.get('authorized'):
     88             raise ExtractorError('%s said: %s' % (
     89                 self.IE_NAME, auth_data['message']), expected=True)
     90         self._sort_formats(formats)
     92         subtitles = {}
     93         for lang, sub in metadata.get('closed_captions_vtt', {}).get('captions', {}).items():
     94             sub_url = sub.get('url')
     95             if not sub_url:
     96                 continue
     97             subtitles[lang] = [{
     98                 'url': sub_url,
     99             }]
    101         return {
    102             'id': embed_code,
    103             'title': title,
    104             'description': metadata.get('description'),
    105             'thumbnail': metadata.get('thumbnail_image') or metadata.get('promo_image'),
    106             'duration': float_or_none(metadata.get('duration'), 1000),
    107             'subtitles': subtitles,
    108             'formats': formats,
    109         }
    112 class OoyalaIE(OoyalaBaseIE):
    113     _VALID_URL = r'(?:ooyala:|https?://.+?\.ooyala\.com/.*?(?:embedCode|ec)=)(?P<id>.+?)(&|$)'
    115     _TESTS = [
    116         {
    117             # From
    118             'url': '',
    119             'info_dict': {
    120                 'id': 'pxczE2YjpfHfn1f3M-ykG_AmJRRn0PD8',
    121                 'ext': 'mp4',
    122                 'title': 'Explaining Data Recovery from Hard Drives and SSDs',
    123                 'description': 'How badly damaged does a drive have to be to defeat Russell and his crew? Apparently, smashed to bits.',
    124                 'duration': 853.386,
    125             },
    126             # The video in the original webpage now uses PlayWire
    127             'skip': 'Ooyala said: movie expired',
    128         }, {
    129             # Only available for ipad
    130             'url': '',
    131             'info_dict': {
    132                 'id': 'x1b3lqZDq9y_7kMyC2Op5qo-p077tXD0',
    133                 'ext': 'mp4',
    134                 'title': 'Simulation Overview - Levels of Simulation',
    135                 'duration': 194.948,
    136             },
    137         },
    138         {
    139             # Information available only through SAS api
    140             # From
    141             'url': '',
    142             'md5': 'a84001441b35ea492bc03736e59e7935',
    143             'info_dict': {
    144                 'id': 'FiOG81ZTrvckcchQxmalf4aQj590qTEx',
    145                 'ext': 'mp4',
    146                 'title': 'Divide Tool Path.mp4',
    147                 'duration': 204.405,
    148             }
    149         },
    150         {
    151             # empty stream['url']['data']
    152             'url': '',
    153             'only_matching': True,
    154         }
    155     ]
    157     @staticmethod
    158     def _url_for_embed_code(embed_code):
    159         return '' % embed_code
    161     @classmethod
    162     def _build_url_result(cls, embed_code):
    163         return cls.url_result(cls._url_for_embed_code(embed_code),
    164                               ie=cls.ie_key())
    166     def _real_extract(self, url):
    167         url, smuggled_data = unsmuggle_url(url, {})
    168         embed_code = self._match_id(url)
    169         domain = smuggled_data.get('domain')
    170         supportedformats = smuggled_data.get('supportedformats')
    171         embed_token = smuggled_data.get('embed_token')
    172         content_tree_url = self._CONTENT_TREE_BASE + 'embed_code/%s/%s' % (embed_code, embed_code)
    173         return self._extract(content_tree_url, embed_code, domain, supportedformats, embed_token)
    176 class OoyalaExternalIE(OoyalaBaseIE):
    177     _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
    178                     (?:
    179                         ooyalaexternal:|
    180                         https?://.+?\.ooyala\.com/.*?\bexternalId=
    181                     )
    182                     (?P<partner_id>[^:]+)
    183                     :
    184                     (?P<id>.+)
    185                     (?:
    186                         :|
    187                         .*?&pcode=
    188                     )
    189                     (?P<pcode>.+?)
    190                     (?:&|$)
    191                     '''
    193     _TEST = {
    194         'url': '',
    195         'info_dict': {
    196             'id': 'FkYWtmazr6Ed8xmvILvKLWjd4QvYZpzG',
    197             'ext': 'mp4',
    198             'title': 'dm_140128_30for30Shorts___JudgingJewellv2',
    199             'duration': 1302.0,
    200         },
    201         'params': {
    202             # m3u8 download
    203             'skip_download': True,
    204         },
    205     }
    207     def _real_extract(self, url):
    208         partner_id, video_id, pcode = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
    209         content_tree_url = self._CONTENT_TREE_BASE + 'external_id/%s/%s:%s' % (pcode, partner_id, video_id)
    210         return self._extract(content_tree_url, video_id)