
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import json
      5 import re
      7 from .common import InfoExtractor
      8 from ..compat import compat_str
      9 from ..utils import (
     10     determine_ext,
     11     float_or_none,
     12     int_or_none,
     13     try_get,
     14     unified_timestamp,
     15     url_or_none,
     16 )
     19 class PinterestBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
     20     _VALID_URL_BASE = r'https?://(?:[^/]+\.)?pinterest\.(?:com|fr|de|ch|jp|cl|ca|it|co\.uk|nz|ru|com\.au|at|pt|co\.kr|es|com\.mx|dk|ph|th|com\.uy|co|nl|info|kr|ie|vn|com\.vn|ec|mx|in|pe|co\.at|hu|co\.in|co\.nz|id|com\.ec|com\.py|tw|be|uk|com\.bo|com\.pe)'
     22     def _call_api(self, resource, video_id, options):
     23         return self._download_json(
     24             '' % resource,
     25             video_id, 'Download %s JSON metadata' % resource, query={
     26                 'data': json.dumps({'options': options})
     27             })['resource_response']
     29     def _extract_video(self, data, extract_formats=True):
     30         video_id = data['id']
     32         title = (data.get('title') or data.get('grid_title') or video_id).strip()
     34         urls = []
     35         formats = []
     36         duration = None
     37         if extract_formats:
     38             for format_id, format_dict in data['videos']['video_list'].items():
     39                 if not isinstance(format_dict, dict):
     40                     continue
     41                 format_url = url_or_none(format_dict.get('url'))
     42                 if not format_url or format_url in urls:
     43                     continue
     44                 urls.append(format_url)
     45                 duration = float_or_none(format_dict.get('duration'), scale=1000)
     46                 ext = determine_ext(format_url)
     47                 if 'hls' in format_id.lower() or ext == 'm3u8':
     48                     formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
     49                         format_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
     50                         m3u8_id=format_id, fatal=False))
     51                 else:
     52                     formats.append({
     53                         'url': format_url,
     54                         'format_id': format_id,
     55                         'width': int_or_none(format_dict.get('width')),
     56                         'height': int_or_none(format_dict.get('height')),
     57                         'duration': duration,
     58                     })
     59             self._sort_formats(
     60                 formats, field_preference=('height', 'width', 'tbr', 'format_id'))
     62         description = data.get('description') or data.get('description_html') or data.get('seo_description')
     63         timestamp = unified_timestamp(data.get('created_at'))
     65         def _u(field):
     66             return try_get(data, lambda x: x['closeup_attribution'][field], compat_str)
     68         uploader = _u('full_name')
     69         uploader_id = _u('id')
     71         repost_count = int_or_none(data.get('repin_count'))
     72         comment_count = int_or_none(data.get('comment_count'))
     73         categories = try_get(data, lambda x: x['pin_join']['visual_annotation'], list)
     74         tags = data.get('hashtags')
     76         thumbnails = []
     77         images = data.get('images')
     78         if isinstance(images, dict):
     79             for thumbnail_id, thumbnail in images.items():
     80                 if not isinstance(thumbnail, dict):
     81                     continue
     82                 thumbnail_url = url_or_none(thumbnail.get('url'))
     83                 if not thumbnail_url:
     84                     continue
     85                 thumbnails.append({
     86                     'url': thumbnail_url,
     87                     'width': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('width')),
     88                     'height': int_or_none(thumbnail.get('height')),
     89                 })
     91         return {
     92             'id': video_id,
     93             'title': title,
     94             'description': description,
     95             'duration': duration,
     96             'timestamp': timestamp,
     97             'thumbnails': thumbnails,
     98             'uploader': uploader,
     99             'uploader_id': uploader_id,
    100             'repost_count': repost_count,
    101             'comment_count': comment_count,
    102             'categories': categories,
    103             'tags': tags,
    104             'formats': formats,
    105             'extractor_key': PinterestIE.ie_key(),
    106         }
    109 class PinterestIE(PinterestBaseIE):
    110     _VALID_URL = r'%s/pin/(?P<id>\d+)' % PinterestBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE
    111     _TESTS = [{
    112         'url': '',
    113         'md5': '6550c2af85d6d9f3fe3b88954d1577fc',
    114         'info_dict': {
    115             'id': '664281013778109217',
    116             'ext': 'mp4',
    117             'title': 'Origami',
    118             'description': 'md5:b9d90ddf7848e897882de9e73344f7dd',
    119             'duration': 57.7,
    120             'timestamp': 1593073622,
    121             'upload_date': '20200625',
    122             'uploader': 'Love origami -I am Dafei',
    123             'uploader_id': '586523688879454212',
    124             'repost_count': 50,
    125             'comment_count': 0,
    126             'categories': list,
    127             'tags': list,
    128         },
    129     }, {
    130         'url': '',
    131         'only_matching': True,
    132     }]
    134     def _real_extract(self, url):
    135         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    136         data = self._call_api(
    137             'Pin', video_id, {
    138                 'field_set_key': 'unauth_react_main_pin',
    139                 'id': video_id,
    140             })['data']
    141         return self._extract_video(data)
    144 class PinterestCollectionIE(PinterestBaseIE):
    145     _VALID_URL = r'%s/(?P<username>[^/]+)/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)' % PinterestBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE
    146     _TESTS = [{
    147         'url': '',
    148         'info_dict': {
    149             'id': '585890301462791043',
    150             'title': 'cool diys',
    151         },
    152         'playlist_count': 8,
    153     }, {
    154         'url': '',
    155         'info_dict': {
    156             'id': '682858430939307450',
    157             'title': 'VIDEOS',
    158         },
    159         'playlist_mincount': 365,
    160         'skip': 'Test with extract_formats=False',
    161     }]
    163     @classmethod
    164     def suitable(cls, url):
    165         return False if PinterestIE.suitable(url) else super(
    166             PinterestCollectionIE, cls).suitable(url)
    168     def _real_extract(self, url):
    169         username, slug = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
    170         board = self._call_api(
    171             'Board', slug, {
    172                 'slug': slug,
    173                 'username': username
    174             })['data']
    175         board_id = board['id']
    176         options = {
    177             'board_id': board_id,
    178             'page_size': 250,
    179         }
    180         bookmark = None
    181         entries = []
    182         while True:
    183             if bookmark:
    184                 options['bookmarks'] = [bookmark]
    185             board_feed = self._call_api('BoardFeed', board_id, options)
    186             for item in (board_feed.get('data') or []):
    187                 if not isinstance(item, dict) or item.get('type') != 'pin':
    188                     continue
    189                 video_id = item.get('id')
    190                 if video_id:
    191                     # Some pins may not be available anonymously via pin URL
    192                     # video = self._extract_video(item, extract_formats=False)
    193                     # video.update({
    194                     #     '_type': 'url_transparent',
    195                     #     'url': '' % video_id,
    196                     # })
    197                     # entries.append(video)
    198                     entries.append(self._extract_video(item))
    199             bookmark = board_feed.get('bookmark')
    200             if not bookmark:
    201                 break
    202         return self.playlist_result(
    203             entries, playlist_id=board_id, playlist_title=board.get('name'))