
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import re
      6 from .common import InfoExtractor
      7 from ..compat import compat_HTTPError
      8 from ..utils import (
      9     determine_ext,
     10     ExtractorError,
     11     int_or_none,
     12     unified_strdate,
     13 )
     16 class RadioCanadaIE(InfoExtractor):
     17     IE_NAME = 'radiocanada'
     18     _VALID_URL = r'(?:radiocanada:|https?://ici\.radio-canada\.ca/widgets/mediaconsole/)(?P<app_code>[^:/]+)[:/](?P<id>[0-9]+)'
     19     _TESTS = [
     20         {
     21             'url': '',
     22             'info_dict': {
     23                 'id': '7184272',
     24                 'ext': 'mp4',
     25                 'title': 'Le parcours du tireur capté sur vidéo',
     26                 'description': 'Images des caméras de surveillance fournies par la GRC montrant le parcours du tireur d\'Ottawa',
     27                 'upload_date': '20141023',
     28             },
     29             'params': {
     30                 # m3u8 download
     31                 'skip_download': True,
     32             }
     33         },
     34         {
     35             # empty Title
     36             'url': '',
     37             'info_dict': {
     38                 'id': '7754998',
     39                 'ext': 'mp4',
     40                 'title': 'letelejournal22h',
     41                 'description': 'INTEGRALE WEB 22H-TJ',
     42                 'upload_date': '20170720',
     43             },
     44             'params': {
     45                 # m3u8 download
     46                 'skip_download': True,
     47             },
     48         },
     49         {
     50             # with protectionType but not actually DRM protected
     51             'url': 'radiocanada:toutv:140872',
     52             'info_dict': {
     53                 'id': '140872',
     54                 'title': 'Épisode 1',
     55                 'series': 'District 31',
     56             },
     57             'only_matching': True,
     58         }
     59     ]
     60     _GEO_COUNTRIES = ['CA']
     61     _access_token = None
     62     _claims = None
     64     def _call_api(self, path, video_id=None, app_code=None, query=None):
     65         if not query:
     66             query = {}
     67         query.update({
     68             'client_key': '773aea60-0e80-41bb-9c7f-e6d7c3ad17fb',
     69             'output': 'json',
     70         })
     71         if video_id:
     72             query.update({
     73                 'appCode': app_code,
     74                 'idMedia': video_id,
     75             })
     76         if self._access_token:
     77             query['access_token'] = self._access_token
     78         try:
     79             return self._download_json(
     80                 '' + path, video_id, query=query)
     81         except ExtractorError as e:
     82             if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code in (401, 422):
     83                 data = self._parse_json(, None)
     84                 error = data.get('error_description') or data['errorMessage']['text']
     85                 raise ExtractorError(error, expected=True)
     86             raise
     88     def _extract_info(self, app_code, video_id):
     89         metas = self._call_api('meta/v1/index.ashx', video_id, app_code)['Metas']
     91         def get_meta(name):
     92             for meta in metas:
     93                 if meta.get('name') == name:
     94                     text = meta.get('text')
     95                     if text:
     96                         return text
     98         # protectionType does not necessarily mean the video is DRM protected (see
     99         #
    100         if get_meta('protectionType'):
    101             self.report_warning('This video is probably DRM protected.')
    103         query = {
    104             'connectionType': 'hd',
    105             'deviceType': 'ipad',
    106             'multibitrate': 'true',
    107         }
    108         if self._claims:
    109             query['claims'] = self._claims
    110         v_data = self._call_api('validation/v2/', video_id, app_code, query)
    111         v_url = v_data.get('url')
    112         if not v_url:
    113             error = v_data['message']
    114             if error == "Le contenu sélectionné n'est pas disponible dans votre pays":
    115                 raise self.raise_geo_restricted(error, self._GEO_COUNTRIES)
    116             if error == 'Le contenu sélectionné est disponible seulement en premium':
    117                 self.raise_login_required(error)
    118             raise ExtractorError(
    119                 '%s said: %s' % (self.IE_NAME, error), expected=True)
    120         formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(v_url, video_id, 'mp4')
    121         self._sort_formats(formats)
    123         subtitles = {}
    124         closed_caption_url = get_meta('closedCaption') or get_meta('closedCaptionHTML5')
    125         if closed_caption_url:
    126             subtitles['fr'] = [{
    127                 'url': closed_caption_url,
    128                 'ext': determine_ext(closed_caption_url, 'vtt'),
    129             }]
    131         return {
    132             'id': video_id,
    133             'title': get_meta('Title') or get_meta('AV-nomEmission'),
    134             'description': get_meta('Description') or get_meta('ShortDescription'),
    135             'thumbnail': get_meta('imageHR') or get_meta('imageMR') or get_meta('imageBR'),
    136             'duration': int_or_none(get_meta('length')),
    137             'series': get_meta('Emission'),
    138             'season_number': int_or_none('SrcSaison'),
    139             'episode_number': int_or_none('SrcEpisode'),
    140             'upload_date': unified_strdate(get_meta('Date')),
    141             'subtitles': subtitles,
    142             'formats': formats,
    143         }
    145     def _real_extract(self, url):
    146         return self._extract_info(*re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups())
    149 class RadioCanadaAudioVideoIE(InfoExtractor):
    150     IE_NAME = 'radiocanada:audiovideo'
    151     _VALID_URL = r'https?://ici\.radio-canada\.ca/([^/]+/)*media-(?P<id>[0-9]+)'
    152     _TESTS = [{
    153         'url': '',
    154         'info_dict': {
    155             'id': '7527184',
    156             'ext': 'mp4',
    157             'title': 'Barack Obama au Vietnam',
    158             'description': 'Les États-Unis lèvent l\'embargo sur la vente d\'armes qui datait de la guerre du Vietnam',
    159             'upload_date': '20160523',
    160         },
    161         'params': {
    162             # m3u8 download
    163             'skip_download': True,
    164         },
    165     }, {
    166         'url': '',
    167         'only_matching': True,
    168     }]
    170     def _real_extract(self, url):
    171         return self.url_result('radiocanada:medianet:%s' % self._match_id(url))