
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import re
      6 from .common import InfoExtractor
      7 from ..utils import (
      8     ExtractorError,
      9     float_or_none,
     10     int_or_none,
     11     strip_or_none,
     12 )
     15 class RTBFIE(InfoExtractor):
     16     _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
     17         https?://(?:www\.)?rtbf\.be/
     18         (?:
     19             video/[^?]+\?.*\bid=|
     20             ouftivi/(?:[^/]+/)*[^?]+\?.*\bvideoId=|
     21             auvio/[^/]+\?.*\b(?P<live>l)?id=
     22         )(?P<id>\d+)'''
     23     _TESTS = [{
     24         'url': '',
     25         'md5': '8c876a1cceeb6cf31b476461ade72384',
     26         'info_dict': {
     27             'id': '1921274',
     28             'ext': 'mp4',
     29             'title': 'Les Diables au coeur (épisode 2)',
     30             'description': '(du 25/04/2014)',
     31             'duration': 3099.54,
     32             'upload_date': '20140425',
     33             'timestamp': 1398456300,
     34         }
     35     }, {
     36         # geo restricted
     37         'url': '',
     38         'only_matching': True,
     39     }, {
     40         'url': '',
     41         'only_matching': True,
     42     }, {
     43         'url': '',
     44         'only_matching': True,
     45     }, {
     46         # Live
     47         'url': '',
     48         'only_matching': True,
     49     }, {
     50         # Audio
     51         'url': '',
     52         'only_matching': True,
     53     }, {
     54         # With Subtitle
     55         'url': '',
     56         'only_matching': True,
     57     }]
     58     _IMAGE_HOST = ''
     59     _PROVIDERS = {
     60         'YOUTUBE': 'Youtube',
     61         'DAILYMOTION': 'Dailymotion',
     62         'VIMEO': 'Vimeo',
     63     }
     64     _QUALITIES = [
     65         ('mobile', 'SD'),
     66         ('web', 'MD'),
     67         ('high', 'HD'),
     68     ]
     70     def _real_extract(self, url):
     71         live, media_id = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
     72         embed_page = self._download_webpage(
     73             '' + ('direct' if live else 'media'),
     74             media_id, query={'id': media_id})
     75         data = self._parse_json(self._html_search_regex(
     76             r'data-media="([^"]+)"', embed_page, 'media data'), media_id)
     78         error = data.get('error')
     79         if error:
     80             raise ExtractorError('%s said: %s' % (self.IE_NAME, error), expected=True)
     82         provider = data.get('provider')
     83         if provider in self._PROVIDERS:
     84             return self.url_result(data['url'], self._PROVIDERS[provider])
     86         title = data['title']
     87         is_live = data.get('isLive')
     88         if is_live:
     89             title = self._live_title(title)
     90         height_re = r'-(\d+)p\.'
     91         formats = []
     93         m3u8_url = data.get('urlHlsAes128') or data.get('urlHls')
     94         if m3u8_url:
     95             formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
     96                 m3u8_url, media_id, 'mp4', m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
     98         fix_url = lambda x: x.replace('//rtbf-vod.', '//rtbf.') if '/geo/drm/' in x else x
     99         http_url = data.get('url')
    100         if formats and http_url and, http_url):
    101             http_url = fix_url(http_url)
    102             for m3u8_f in formats[:]:
    103                 height = m3u8_f.get('height')
    104                 if not height:
    105                     continue
    106                 f = m3u8_f.copy()
    107                 del f['protocol']
    108                 f.update({
    109                     'format_id': m3u8_f['format_id'].replace('hls-', 'http-'),
    110                     'url': re.sub(height_re, '-%dp.' % height, http_url),
    111                 })
    112                 formats.append(f)
    113         else:
    114             sources = data.get('sources') or {}
    115             for key, format_id in self._QUALITIES:
    116                 format_url = sources.get(key)
    117                 if not format_url:
    118                     continue
    119                 height = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
    120                     height_re, format_url, 'height', default=None))
    121                 formats.append({
    122                     'format_id': format_id,
    123                     'url': fix_url(format_url),
    124                     'height': height,
    125                 })
    127         mpd_url = data.get('urlDash')
    128         if not data.get('drm') and mpd_url:
    129             formats.extend(self._extract_mpd_formats(
    130                 mpd_url, media_id, mpd_id='dash', fatal=False))
    132         audio_url = data.get('urlAudio')
    133         if audio_url:
    134             formats.append({
    135                 'format_id': 'audio',
    136                 'url': audio_url,
    137                 'vcodec': 'none',
    138             })
    139         self._sort_formats(formats)
    141         subtitles = {}
    142         for track in (data.get('tracks') or {}).values():
    143             sub_url = track.get('url')
    144             if not sub_url:
    145                 continue
    146             subtitles.setdefault(track.get('lang') or 'fr', []).append({
    147                 'url': sub_url,
    148             })
    150         return {
    151             'id': media_id,
    152             'formats': formats,
    153             'title': title,
    154             'description': strip_or_none(data.get('description')),
    155             'thumbnail': data.get('thumbnail'),
    156             'duration': float_or_none(data.get('realDuration')),
    157             'timestamp': int_or_none(data.get('liveFrom')),
    158             'series': data.get('programLabel'),
    159             'subtitles': subtitles,
    160             'is_live': is_live,
    161         }