
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 from .common import InfoExtractor
      5 from ..utils import (
      6     get_element_by_class,
      7     int_or_none,
      8     remove_start,
      9     strip_or_none,
     10     unified_strdate,
     11 )
     14 class ScreencastOMaticIE(InfoExtractor):
     15     _VALID_URL = r'https?://screencast-o-matic\.com/(?:(?:watch|player)/|embed\?.*?\bsc=)(?P<id>[0-9a-zA-Z]+)'
     16     _TESTS = [{
     17         'url': '',
     18         'md5': '483583cb80d92588f15ccbedd90f0c18',
     19         'info_dict': {
     20             'id': 'c2lD3BeOPl',
     21             'ext': 'mp4',
     22             'title': 'Welcome to 3-4 Philosophy @ DECV!',
     23             'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
     24             'description': 'as the title says! also: some general info re 1) VCE philosophy and 2) distance learning.',
     25             'duration': 369,
     26             'upload_date': '20141216',
     27         }
     28     }, {
     29         'url': '',
     30         'only_matching': True,
     31     }, {
     32         'url': '',
     33         'only_matching': True,
     34     }]
     36     def _real_extract(self, url):
     37         video_id = self._match_id(url)
     38         webpage = self._download_webpage(
     39             '' + video_id, video_id)
     40         info = self._parse_html5_media_entries(url, webpage, video_id)[0]
     41         info.update({
     42             'id': video_id,
     43             'title': get_element_by_class('overlayTitle', webpage),
     44             'description': strip_or_none(get_element_by_class('overlayDescription', webpage)) or None,
     45             'duration': int_or_none(self._search_regex(
     46                 r'player\.duration\s*=\s*function\(\)\s*{\s*return\s+(\d+);\s*};',
     47                 webpage, 'duration', default=None)),
     48             'upload_date': unified_strdate(remove_start(
     49                 get_element_by_class('overlayPublished', webpage), 'Published: ')),
     50         })
     51         return info