
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      3 import re
      5 from .common import InfoExtractor
      6 from ..utils import (
      7     extract_attributes,
      8     ExtractorError,
      9     get_element_by_class,
     10     js_to_json,
     11 )
     14 class SteamIE(InfoExtractor):
     15     _VALID_URL = r"""(?x)
     16         https?://store\.steampowered\.com/
     17             (agecheck/)?
     18             (?P<urltype>video|app)/ #If the page is only for videos or for a game
     19             (?P<gameID>\d+)/?
     20             (?P<videoID>\d*)(?P<extra>\??) # For urltype == video we sometimes get the videoID
     21         |
     22         https?://(?:www\.)?steamcommunity\.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/\?id=(?P<fileID>[0-9]+)
     23     """
     24     _VIDEO_PAGE_TEMPLATE = ''
     25     _AGECHECK_TEMPLATE = ''
     26     _TESTS = [{
     27         'url': '',
     28         'playlist': [
     29             {
     30                 'md5': '6a294ee0c4b1f47f5bb76a65e31e3592',
     31                 'info_dict': {
     32                     'id': '2040428',
     33                     'ext': 'mp4',
     34                     'title': 'Terraria 1.3 Trailer',
     35                     'playlist_index': 1,
     36                 }
     37             },
     38             {
     39                 'md5': '911672b20064ca3263fa89650ba5a7aa',
     40                 'info_dict': {
     41                     'id': '2029566',
     42                     'ext': 'mp4',
     43                     'title': 'Terraria 1.2 Trailer',
     44                     'playlist_index': 2,
     45                 }
     46             }
     47         ],
     48         'info_dict': {
     49             'id': '105600',
     50             'title': 'Terraria',
     51         },
     52         'params': {
     53             'playlistend': 2,
     54         }
     55     }, {
     56         'url': '',
     57         'info_dict': {
     58             'id': 'X8kpJBlzD2E',
     59             'ext': 'mp4',
     60             'upload_date': '20140617',
     61             'title': 'FRONTIERS - Trapping',
     62             'description': 'md5:bf6f7f773def614054089e5769c12a6e',
     63             'uploader': 'AAD Productions',
     64             'uploader_id': 'AtomicAgeDogGames',
     65         }
     66     }]
     68     def _real_extract(self, url):
     69         m = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url)
     70         fileID ='fileID')
     71         if fileID:
     72             videourl = url
     73             playlist_id = fileID
     74         else:
     75             gameID ='gameID')
     76             playlist_id = gameID
     77             videourl = self._VIDEO_PAGE_TEMPLATE % playlist_id
     79         self._set_cookie('', 'mature_content', '1')
     81         webpage = self._download_webpage(videourl, playlist_id)
     83         if'<h2>Please enter your birth date to continue:</h2>', webpage) is not None:
     84             videourl = self._AGECHECK_TEMPLATE % playlist_id
     85             self.report_age_confirmation()
     86             webpage = self._download_webpage(videourl, playlist_id)
     88         flash_vars = self._parse_json(self._search_regex(
     89             r'(?s)rgMovieFlashvars\s*=\s*({.+?});', webpage,
     90             'flash vars'), playlist_id, js_to_json)
     92         playlist_title = None
     93         entries = []
     94         if fileID:
     95             playlist_title = get_element_by_class('workshopItemTitle', webpage)
     96             for movie in flash_vars.values():
     97                 if not movie:
     98                     continue
     99                 youtube_id = movie.get('YOUTUBE_VIDEO_ID')
    100                 if not youtube_id:
    101                     continue
    102                 entries.append({
    103                     '_type': 'url',
    104                     'url': youtube_id,
    105                     'ie_key': 'Youtube',
    106                 })
    107         else:
    108             playlist_title = get_element_by_class('apphub_AppName', webpage)
    109             for movie_id, movie in flash_vars.items():
    110                 if not movie:
    111                     continue
    112                 video_id = self._search_regex(r'movie_(\d+)', movie_id, 'video id', fatal=False)
    113                 title = movie.get('MOVIE_NAME')
    114                 if not title or not video_id:
    115                     continue
    116                 entry = {
    117                     'id': video_id,
    118                     'title': title.replace('+', ' '),
    119                 }
    120                 formats = []
    121                 flv_url = movie.get('FILENAME')
    122                 if flv_url:
    123                     formats.append({
    124                         'format_id': 'flv',
    125                         'url': flv_url,
    126                     })
    127                 highlight_element = self._search_regex(
    128                     r'(<div[^>]+id="highlight_movie_%s"[^>]+>)' % video_id,
    129                     webpage, 'highlight element', fatal=False)
    130                 if highlight_element:
    131                     highlight_attribs = extract_attributes(highlight_element)
    132                     if highlight_attribs:
    133                         entry['thumbnail'] = highlight_attribs.get('data-poster')
    134                         for quality in ('', '-hd'):
    135                             for ext in ('webm', 'mp4'):
    136                                 video_url = highlight_attribs.get('data-%s%s-source' % (ext, quality))
    137                                 if video_url:
    138                                     formats.append({
    139                                         'format_id': ext + quality,
    140                                         'url': video_url,
    141                                     })
    142                 if not formats:
    143                     continue
    144                 entry['formats'] = formats
    145                 entries.append(entry)
    146         if not entries:
    147             raise ExtractorError('Could not find any videos')
    149         return self.playlist_result(entries, playlist_id, playlist_title)