
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import json
      6 from .turner import TurnerBaseIE
      7 from ..utils import (
      8     determine_ext,
      9     ExtractorError,
     10     int_or_none,
     11     mimetype2ext,
     12     parse_duration,
     13     parse_iso8601,
     14     qualities,
     15 )
     18 class TeamcocoIE(TurnerBaseIE):
     19     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:\w+\.)?teamcoco\.com/(?P<id>([^/]+/)*[^/?#]+)'
     20     _TESTS = [
     21         {
     22             'url': '',
     23             'md5': '55d532f81992f5c92046ad02fec34d7d',
     24             'info_dict': {
     25                 'id': '80187',
     26                 'ext': 'mp4',
     27                 'title': 'Conan Becomes A Mary Kay Beauty Consultant',
     28                 'description': 'Mary Kay is perhaps the most trusted name in female beauty, so of course Conan is a natural choice to sell their products.',
     29                 'duration': 495.0,
     30                 'upload_date': '20140402',
     31                 'timestamp': 1396407600,
     32             }
     33         }, {
     34             'url': '',
     35             'md5': 'cde9ba0fa3506f5f017ce11ead928f9a',
     36             'info_dict': {
     37                 'id': '19705',
     38                 'ext': 'mp4',
     39                 'description': 'Louis C.K. got starstruck by George W. Bush, so what? Part one.',
     40                 'title': 'Louis C.K. Interview Pt. 1 11/3/11',
     41                 'duration': 288,
     42                 'upload_date': '20111104',
     43                 'timestamp': 1320405840,
     44             }
     45         }, {
     46             'url': '',
     47             'info_dict': {
     48                 'id': '88748',
     49                 'ext': 'mp4',
     50                 'title': 'Timothy Olyphant Raises A Toast To “Justified”',
     51                 'description': 'md5:15501f23f020e793aeca761205e42c24',
     52                 'upload_date': '20150415',
     53                 'timestamp': 1429088400,
     54             },
     55             'params': {
     56                 'skip_download': True,  # m3u8 downloads
     57             }
     58         }, {
     59             'url': ';eyJ0eXBlIjoidGFnIiwiaWQiOjl9',
     60             'info_dict': {
     61                 'id': '89341',
     62                 'ext': 'mp4',
     63                 'title': 'Full Episode - Mon. 6/1 - Joel McHale, Jake Tapper, And Musical Guest Courtney Barnett',
     64                 'description': 'Guests: Joel McHale, Jake Tapper, And Musical Guest Courtney Barnett',
     65             },
     66             'params': {
     67                 'skip_download': True,  # m3u8 downloads
     68             },
     69             'skip': 'This video is no longer available.',
     70         }, {
     71             'url': '',
     72             'only_matching': True,
     73         }, {
     74             'url': '',
     75             'only_matching': True,
     76         }, {
     77             'url': '',
     78             'only_matching': True,
     79         }, {
     80             'url': '',
     81             'only_matching': True,
     82         }, {
     83             'url': '',
     84             'only_matching': True,
     85         }
     86     ]
     87     _RECORD_TEMPL = '''id
     88         title
     89         teaser
     90         publishOn
     91         thumb {
     92           preview
     93         }
     94         tags {
     95           name
     96         }
     97         duration
     98         turnerMediaId
     99         turnerMediaAuthToken'''
    101     def _graphql_call(self, query_template, object_type, object_id):
    102         find_object = 'find' + object_type
    103         return self._download_json(
    104             '', object_id, data=json.dumps({
    105                 'query': query_template % (find_object, object_id)
    106             }).encode(), headers={
    107                 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    108             })['data'][find_object]
    110     def _real_extract(self, url):
    111         display_id = self._match_id(url)
    113         response = self._graphql_call('''{
    114   %%s(slug: "%%s") {
    115     ... on RecordSlug {
    116       record {
    117         %s
    118       }
    119     }
    120     ... on PageSlug {
    121       child {
    122         id
    123       }
    124     }
    125     ... on NotFoundSlug {
    126       status
    127     }
    128   }
    129 }''' % self._RECORD_TEMPL, 'Slug', display_id)
    130         if response.get('status'):
    131             raise ExtractorError('This video is no longer available.', expected=True)
    133         child = response.get('child')
    134         if child:
    135             record = self._graphql_call('''{
    136   %%s(id: "%%s") {
    137     ... on Video {
    138       %s
    139     }
    140   }
    141 }''' % self._RECORD_TEMPL, 'Record', child['id'])
    142         else:
    143             record = response['record']
    144         video_id = record['id']
    146         info = {
    147             'id': video_id,
    148             'display_id': display_id,
    149             'title': record['title'],
    150             'thumbnail': record.get('thumb', {}).get('preview'),
    151             'description': record.get('teaser'),
    152             'duration': parse_duration(record.get('duration')),
    153             'timestamp': parse_iso8601(record.get('publishOn')),
    154         }
    156         media_id = record.get('turnerMediaId')
    157         if media_id:
    158             self._initialize_geo_bypass({
    159                 'countries': ['US'],
    160             })
    161             info.update(self._extract_ngtv_info(media_id, {
    162                 'accessToken': record['turnerMediaAuthToken'],
    163                 'accessTokenType': 'jws',
    164             }))
    165         else:
    166             video_sources = self._download_json(
    167                 '' + video_id,
    168                 video_id)['meta']['src']
    169             if isinstance(video_sources, dict):
    170                 video_sources = video_sources.values()
    172             formats = []
    173             get_quality = qualities(['low', 'sd', 'hd', 'uhd'])
    174             for src in video_sources:
    175                 if not isinstance(src, dict):
    176                     continue
    177                 src_url = src.get('src')
    178                 if not src_url:
    179                     continue
    180                 format_id = src.get('label')
    181                 ext = determine_ext(src_url, mimetype2ext(src.get('type')))
    182                 if format_id == 'hls' or ext == 'm3u8':
    183                     # compat_urllib_parse.urljoin does not work here
    184                     if src_url.startswith('/'):
    185                         src_url = '' + src_url
    186                     formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    187                         src_url, video_id, 'mp4', m3u8_id=format_id, fatal=False))
    188                 else:
    189                     if src_url.startswith('/mp4:protected/'):
    190                         # TODO Correct extraction for these files
    191                         continue
    192                     tbr = int_or_none(self._search_regex(
    193                         r'(\d+)k\.mp4', src_url, 'tbr', default=None))
    195                     formats.append({
    196                         'url': src_url,
    197                         'ext': ext,
    198                         'tbr': tbr,
    199                         'format_id': format_id,
    200                         'quality': get_quality(format_id),
    201                     })
    202             self._sort_formats(formats)
    203             info['formats'] = formats
    205         return info