
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import re
      6 from .common import InfoExtractor
      7 from ..utils import (
      8     clean_html,
      9     determine_ext,
     10     ExtractorError,
     11     float_or_none,
     12     get_element_by_class,
     13     get_element_by_id,
     14     parse_duration,
     15     remove_end,
     16     urlencode_postdata,
     17     urljoin,
     18 )
     21 class TeamTreeHouseIE(InfoExtractor):
     22     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?teamtreehouse\.com/library/(?P<id>[^/]+)'
     23     _TESTS = [{
     24         # Course
     25         'url': '',
     26         'info_dict': {
     27             'id': 'introduction-to-user-authentication-in-php',
     28             'title': 'Introduction to User Authentication in PHP',
     29             'description': 'md5:405d7b4287a159b27ddf30ca72b5b053',
     30         },
     31         'playlist_mincount': 24,
     32     }, {
     33         # WorkShop
     34         'url': '',
     35         'info_dict': {
     36             'id': 'deploying-a-react-app',
     37             'title': 'Deploying a React App',
     38             'description': 'md5:10a82e3ddff18c14ac13581c9b8e5921',
     39         },
     40         'playlist_mincount': 4,
     41     }, {
     42         # Video
     43         'url': '',
     44         'info_dict': {
     45             'id': 'application-overview-2',
     46             'ext': 'mp4',
     47             'title': 'Application Overview',
     48             'description': 'md5:4b0a234385c27140a4378de5f1e15127',
     49         },
     50         'expected_warnings': ['This is just a preview'],
     51     }]
     52     _NETRC_MACHINE = 'teamtreehouse'
     54     def _real_initialize(self):
     55         email, password = self._get_login_info()
     56         if email is None:
     57             return
     59         signin_page = self._download_webpage(
     60             '',
     61             None, 'Downloading signin page')
     62         data = self._form_hidden_inputs('new_user_session', signin_page)
     63         data.update({
     64             'user_session[email]': email,
     65             'user_session[password]': password,
     66         })
     67         error_message = get_element_by_class('error-message', self._download_webpage(
     68             '',
     69             None, 'Logging in', data=urlencode_postdata(data)))
     70         if error_message:
     71             raise ExtractorError(clean_html(error_message), expected=True)
     73     def _real_extract(self, url):
     74         display_id = self._match_id(url)
     75         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
     76         title = self._html_search_meta(['og:title', 'twitter:title'], webpage)
     77         description = self._html_search_meta(
     78             ['description', 'og:description', 'twitter:description'], webpage)
     79         entries = self._parse_html5_media_entries(url, webpage, display_id)
     80         if entries:
     81             info = entries[0]
     83             for subtitles in info.get('subtitles', {}).values():
     84                 for subtitle in subtitles:
     85                     subtitle['ext'] = determine_ext(subtitle['url'], 'srt')
     87             is_preview = 'data-preview="true"' in webpage
     88             if is_preview:
     89                 self.report_warning(
     90                     'This is just a preview. You need to be signed in with a Basic account to download the entire video.', display_id)
     91                 duration = 30
     92             else:
     93                 duration = float_or_none(self._search_regex(
     94                     r'data-duration="(\d+)"', webpage, 'duration'), 1000)
     95                 if not duration:
     96                     duration = parse_duration(get_element_by_id(
     97                         'video-duration', webpage))
     99             info.update({
    100                 'id': display_id,
    101                 'title': title,
    102                 'description': description,
    103                 'duration': duration,
    104             })
    105             return info
    106         else:
    107             def extract_urls(html, extract_info=None):
    108                 for path in re.findall(r'<a[^>]+href="([^"]+)"', html):
    109                     page_url = urljoin(url, path)
    110                     entry = {
    111                         '_type': 'url_transparent',
    112                         'id': self._match_id(page_url),
    113                         'url': page_url,
    114                         'id_key': self.ie_key(),
    115                     }
    116                     if extract_info:
    117                         entry.update(extract_info)
    118                     entries.append(entry)
    120             workshop_videos = self._search_regex(
    121                 r'(?s)<ul[^>]+id="workshop-videos"[^>]*>(.+?)</ul>',
    122                 webpage, 'workshop videos', default=None)
    123             if workshop_videos:
    124                 extract_urls(workshop_videos)
    125             else:
    126                 stages_path = self._search_regex(
    127                     r'(?s)<div[^>]+id="syllabus-stages"[^>]+data-url="([^"]+)"',
    128                     webpage, 'stages path')
    129                 if stages_path:
    130                     stages_page = self._download_webpage(
    131                         urljoin(url, stages_path), display_id, 'Downloading stages page')
    132                     for chapter_number, (chapter, steps_list) in enumerate(re.findall(r'(?s)<h2[^>]*>\s*(.+?)\s*</h2>.+?<ul[^>]*>(.+?)</ul>', stages_page), 1):
    133                         extract_urls(steps_list, {
    134                             'chapter': chapter,
    135                             'chapter_number': chapter_number,
    136                         })
    137                     title = remove_end(title, ' Course')
    139             return self.playlist_result(
    140                 entries, display_id, title, description)