
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 # coding: utf-8
      2 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      4 import re
      6 from .common import InfoExtractor
      7 from ..compat import (
      8     compat_HTTPError,
      9     compat_urlparse,
     10 )
     11 from ..utils import (
     12     determine_ext,
     13     ExtractorError,
     14     int_or_none,
     15     parse_duration,
     16     parse_iso8601,
     17     qualities,
     18     try_get,
     19     update_url_query,
     20     url_or_none,
     21     urljoin,
     22 )
     25 class TVPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
     26     IE_NAME = 'mtg'
     27     IE_DESC = 'MTG services'
     28     _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
     29                     (?:
     30                         mtg:|
     31                         https?://
     32                             (?:www\.)?
     33                             (?:
     34                                 tvplay(?:\.skaties)?\.lv(?:/parraides)?|
     35                                 (?:tv3play|play\.tv3)\.lt(?:/programos)?|
     36                                 tv3play(?:\.tv3)?\.ee/sisu|
     37                                 (?:tv(?:3|6|8|10)play|viafree)\.se/program|
     38                                 (?:(?:tv3play|viasat4play|tv6play|viafree)\.no|(?:tv3play|viafree)\.dk)/programmer|
     39                                 play\.nova(?:tv)?\.bg/programi
     40                             )
     41                             /(?:[^/]+/)+
     42                         )
     43                         (?P<id>\d+)
     44                     '''
     45     _TESTS = [
     46         {
     47             'url': '',
     48             'md5': 'a1612fe0849455423ad8718fe049be21',
     49             'info_dict': {
     50                 'id': '418113',
     51                 'ext': 'mp4',
     52                 'title': 'Kādi ir īri? - Viņas melo labāk',
     53                 'description': 'Baiba apsmej īrus, kādi tie ir un ko viņi dara.',
     54                 'series': 'Viņas melo labāk',
     55                 'season': '2.sezona',
     56                 'season_number': 2,
     57                 'duration': 25,
     58                 'timestamp': 1406097056,
     59                 'upload_date': '20140723',
     60             },
     61         },
     62         {
     63             'url': '',
     64             'info_dict': {
     65                 'id': '409229',
     66                 'ext': 'flv',
     67                 'title': 'Moterys meluoja geriau',
     68                 'description': 'md5:9aec0fc68e2cbc992d2a140bd41fa89e',
     69                 'series': 'Moterys meluoja geriau',
     70                 'episode_number': 47,
     71                 'season': '1 sezonas',
     72                 'season_number': 1,
     73                 'duration': 1330,
     74                 'timestamp': 1403769181,
     75                 'upload_date': '20140626',
     76             },
     77             'params': {
     78                 # rtmp download
     79                 'skip_download': True,
     80             },
     81         },
     82         {
     83             'url': '',
     84             'info_dict': {
     85                 'id': '238551',
     86                 'ext': 'flv',
     87                 'title': 'Kodu keset linna 398537',
     88                 'description': 'md5:7df175e3c94db9e47c0d81ffa5d68701',
     89                 'duration': 1257,
     90                 'timestamp': 1292449761,
     91                 'upload_date': '20101215',
     92             },
     93             'params': {
     94                 # rtmp download
     95                 'skip_download': True,
     96             },
     97         },
     98         {
     99             'url': '',
    100             'info_dict': {
    101                 'id': '395385',
    102                 'ext': 'mp4',
    103                 'title': 'Husräddarna S02E07',
    104                 'description': 'md5:f210c6c89f42d4fc39faa551be813777',
    105                 'duration': 2574,
    106                 'timestamp': 1400596321,
    107                 'upload_date': '20140520',
    108             },
    109             'params': {
    110                 'skip_download': True,
    111             },
    112         },
    113         {
    114             'url': '',
    115             'info_dict': {
    116                 'id': '266636',
    117                 'ext': 'mp4',
    118                 'title': 'Den sista dokusåpan S01E08',
    119                 'description': 'md5:295be39c872520221b933830f660b110',
    120                 'duration': 1492,
    121                 'timestamp': 1330522854,
    122                 'upload_date': '20120229',
    123                 'age_limit': 18,
    124             },
    125             'params': {
    126                 'skip_download': True,
    127             },
    128         },
    129         {
    130             'url': '',
    131             'info_dict': {
    132                 'id': '282756',
    133                 'ext': 'mp4',
    134                 'title': 'Antikjakten S01E10',
    135                 'description': 'md5:1b201169beabd97e20c5ad0ad67b13b8',
    136                 'duration': 2646,
    137                 'timestamp': 1348575868,
    138                 'upload_date': '20120925',
    139             },
    140             'params': {
    141                 'skip_download': True,
    142             },
    143         },
    144         {
    145             'url': '',
    146             'info_dict': {
    147                 'id': '230898',
    148                 'ext': 'mp4',
    149                 'title': 'Anna Anka søker assistent - Ep. 8',
    150                 'description': 'md5:f80916bf5bbe1c5f760d127f8dd71474',
    151                 'duration': 2656,
    152                 'timestamp': 1277720005,
    153                 'upload_date': '20100628',
    154             },
    155             'params': {
    156                 'skip_download': True,
    157             },
    158         },
    159         {
    160             'url': '',
    161             'info_dict': {
    162                 'id': '21873',
    163                 'ext': 'mp4',
    164                 'title': 'Budbringerne program 10',
    165                 'description': 'md5:4db78dc4ec8a85bb04fd322a3ee5092d',
    166                 'duration': 1297,
    167                 'timestamp': 1254205102,
    168                 'upload_date': '20090929',
    169             },
    170             'params': {
    171                 'skip_download': True,
    172             },
    173         },
    174         {
    175             'url': '',
    176             'info_dict': {
    177                 'id': '361883',
    178                 'ext': 'mp4',
    179                 'title': 'Hotelinspektør Alex Polizzi - Ep. 10',
    180                 'description': 'md5:3ecf808db9ec96c862c8ecb3a7fdaf81',
    181                 'duration': 2594,
    182                 'timestamp': 1393236292,
    183                 'upload_date': '20140224',
    184             },
    185             'params': {
    186                 'skip_download': True,
    187             },
    188         },
    189         {
    190             'url': '',
    191             'info_dict': {
    192                 'id': '624952',
    193                 'ext': 'flv',
    194                 'title': 'Здравей, България (12.06.2015 г.) ',
    195                 'description': 'md5:99f3700451ac5bb71a260268b8daefd7',
    196                 'duration': 8838,
    197                 'timestamp': 1434100372,
    198                 'upload_date': '20150612',
    199             },
    200             'params': {
    201                 # rtmp download
    202                 'skip_download': True,
    203             },
    204         },
    205         {
    206             'url': '',
    207             'only_matching': True,
    208         },
    209         {
    210             'url': '',
    211             'only_matching': True,
    212         },
    213         {
    214             'url': '',
    215             'only_matching': True,
    216         },
    217         {
    218             # views is null
    219             'url': '',
    220             'only_matching': True,
    221         },
    222         {
    223             'url': '',
    224             'only_matching': True,
    225         },
    226         {
    227             'url': '',
    228             'only_matching': True,
    229         },
    230         {
    231             'url': 'mtg:418113',
    232             'only_matching': True,
    233         }
    234     ]
    236     def _real_extract(self, url):
    237         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    238         geo_country = self._search_regex(
    239             r'https?://[^/]+\.([a-z]{2})', url,
    240             'geo country', default=None)
    241         if geo_country:
    242             self._initialize_geo_bypass({'countries': [geo_country.upper()]})
    243         video = self._download_json(
    244             '' % video_id, video_id, 'Downloading video JSON')
    246         title = video['title']
    248         try:
    249             streams = self._download_json(
    250                 '' % video_id,
    251                 video_id, 'Downloading streams JSON')
    252         except ExtractorError as e:
    253             if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 403:
    254                 msg = self._parse_json('utf-8'), video_id)
    255                 raise ExtractorError(msg['msg'], expected=True)
    256             raise
    258         quality = qualities(['hls', 'medium', 'high'])
    259         formats = []
    260         for format_id, video_url in streams.get('streams', {}).items():
    261             video_url = url_or_none(video_url)
    262             if not video_url:
    263                 continue
    264             ext = determine_ext(video_url)
    265             if ext == 'f4m':
    266                 formats.extend(self._extract_f4m_formats(
    267                     update_url_query(video_url, {
    268                         'hdcore': '3.5.0',
    269                         'plugin': 'aasp-'
    270                     }), video_id, f4m_id='hds', fatal=False))
    271             elif ext == 'm3u8':
    272                 formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    273                     video_url, video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native',
    274                     m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
    275             else:
    276                 fmt = {
    277                     'format_id': format_id,
    278                     'quality': quality(format_id),
    279                     'ext': ext,
    280                 }
    281                 if video_url.startswith('rtmp'):
    282                     m =
    283                         r'^(?P<url>rtmp://[^/]+/(?P<app>[^/]+))/(?P<playpath>.+)$', video_url)
    284                     if not m:
    285                         continue
    286                     fmt.update({
    287                         'ext': 'flv',
    288                         'url':'url'),
    289                         'app':'app'),
    290                         'play_path':'playpath'),
    291                         'preference': -1,
    292                     })
    293                 else:
    294                     fmt.update({
    295                         'url': video_url,
    296                     })
    297                 formats.append(fmt)
    299         if not formats and video.get('is_geo_blocked'):
    300             self.raise_geo_restricted(
    301                 'This content might not be available in your country due to copyright reasons')
    303         self._sort_formats(formats)
    305         # TODO: webvtt in m3u8
    306         subtitles = {}
    307         sami_path = video.get('sami_path')
    308         if sami_path:
    309             lang = self._search_regex(
    310                 r'_([a-z]{2})\.xml', sami_path, 'lang',
    311                 default=compat_urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc.rsplit('.', 1)[-1])
    312             subtitles[lang] = [{
    313                 'url': sami_path,
    314             }]
    316         series = video.get('format_title')
    317         episode_number = int_or_none(video.get('format_position', {}).get('episode'))
    318         season = video.get('_embedded', {}).get('season', {}).get('title')
    319         season_number = int_or_none(video.get('format_position', {}).get('season'))
    321         return {
    322             'id': video_id,
    323             'title': title,
    324             'description': video.get('description'),
    325             'series': series,
    326             'episode_number': episode_number,
    327             'season': season,
    328             'season_number': season_number,
    329             'duration': int_or_none(video.get('duration')),
    330             'timestamp': parse_iso8601(video.get('created_at')),
    331             'view_count': try_get(video, lambda x: x['views']['total'], int),
    332             'age_limit': int_or_none(video.get('age_limit', 0)),
    333             'formats': formats,
    334             'subtitles': subtitles,
    335         }
    338 class ViafreeIE(InfoExtractor):
    339     _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
    340                     https?://
    341                         (?:www\.)?
    342                         viafree\.(?P<country>dk|no|se)
    343                         /(?P<id>program(?:mer)?/(?:[^/]+/)+[^/?#&]+)
    344                     '''
    345     _TESTS = [{
    346         'url': '',
    347         'info_dict': {
    348             'id': '757786',
    349             'ext': 'mp4',
    350             'title': 'Det beste vorspielet - Sesong 2 - Episode 1',
    351             'description': 'md5:b632cb848331404ccacd8cd03e83b4c3',
    352             'series': 'Det beste vorspielet',
    353             'season_number': 2,
    354             'duration': 1116,
    355             'timestamp': 1471200600,
    356             'upload_date': '20160814',
    357         },
    358         'params': {
    359             'skip_download': True,
    360         },
    361     }, {
    362         # with relatedClips
    363         'url': '',
    364         'only_matching': True,
    365     }, {
    366         # Different og:image URL schema
    367         'url': '',
    368         'only_matching': True,
    369     }, {
    370         'url': '',
    371         'only_matching': True,
    372     }, {
    373         'url': '',
    374         'only_matching': True,
    375     }]
    376     _GEO_BYPASS = False
    378     @classmethod
    379     def suitable(cls, url):
    380         return False if TVPlayIE.suitable(url) else super(ViafreeIE, cls).suitable(url)
    382     def _real_extract(self, url):
    383         country, path = re.match(self._VALID_URL, url).groups()
    384         content = self._download_json(
    385             '' % (country, path), path)
    386         program = content['_embedded']['viafreeBlocks'][0]['_embedded']['program']
    387         guid = program['guid']
    388         meta = content['meta']
    389         title = meta['title']
    391         try:
    392             stream_href = self._download_json(
    393                 program['_links']['streamLink']['href'], guid,
    394                 headers=self.geo_verification_headers())['embedded']['prioritizedStreams'][0]['links']['stream']['href']
    395         except ExtractorError as e:
    396             if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 403:
    397                 self.raise_geo_restricted(countries=[country])
    398             raise
    400         formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(stream_href, guid, 'mp4')
    401         self._sort_formats(formats)
    402         episode = program.get('episode') or {}
    404         return {
    405             'id': guid,
    406             'title': title,
    407             'thumbnail': meta.get('image'),
    408             'description': meta.get('description'),
    409             'series': episode.get('seriesTitle'),
    410             'episode_number': int_or_none(episode.get('episodeNumber')),
    411             'season_number': int_or_none(episode.get('seasonNumber')),
    412             'duration': int_or_none(try_get(program, lambda x: x['video']['duration']['milliseconds']), 1000),
    413             'timestamp': parse_iso8601(try_get(program, lambda x: x['availability']['start'])),
    414             'formats': formats,
    415         }
    418 class TVPlayHomeIE(InfoExtractor):
    419     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:tv3?)?play\.(?:tv3\.lt|skaties\.lv|tv3\.ee)/(?:[^/]+/)*[^/?#&]+-(?P<id>\d+)'
    420     _TESTS = [{
    421         'url': '',
    422         'info_dict': {
    423             'id': '366367',
    424             'ext': 'mp4',
    425             'title': 'Aferistai',
    426             'description': 'Aferistai. Kalėdinė pasaka.',
    427             'series': 'Aferistai [N-7]',
    428             'season': '1 sezonas',
    429             'season_number': 1,
    430             'duration': 464,
    431             'timestamp': 1394209658,
    432             'upload_date': '20140307',
    433             'age_limit': 18,
    434         },
    435         'params': {
    436             'skip_download': True,
    437         },
    438     }, {
    439         'url': '',
    440         'only_matching': True,
    441     }, {
    442         'url': '',
    443         'only_matching': True,
    444     }, {
    445         'url': '',
    446         'only_matching': True,
    447     }, {
    448         'url': '',
    449         'only_matching': True,
    450     }, {
    451         'url': '',
    452         'only_matching': True,
    453     }]
    455     def _real_extract(self, url):
    456         video_id = self._match_id(url)
    458         asset = self._download_json(
    459             urljoin(url, '/sb/public/asset/' + video_id), video_id)
    461         m3u8_url = asset['movie']['contentUrl']
    462         video_id = asset['assetId']
    463         asset_title = asset['title']
    464         title = asset_title['title']
    466         formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    467             m3u8_url, video_id, 'mp4', 'm3u8_native', m3u8_id='hls')
    468         self._sort_formats(formats)
    470         thumbnails = None
    471         image_url = asset.get('imageUrl')
    472         if image_url:
    473             thumbnails = [{
    474                 'url': urljoin(url, image_url),
    475                 'ext': 'jpg',
    476             }]
    478         metadata = asset.get('metadata') or {}
    480         return {
    481             'id': video_id,
    482             'title': title,
    483             'description': asset_title.get('summaryLong') or asset_title.get('summaryShort'),
    484             'thumbnails': thumbnails,
    485             'duration': parse_duration(asset_title.get('runTime')),
    486             'series': asset.get('tvSeriesTitle'),
    487             'season': asset.get('tvSeasonTitle'),
    488             'season_number': int_or_none(metadata.get('seasonNumber')),
    489             'episode': asset_title.get('titleBrief'),
    490             'episode_number': int_or_none(metadata.get('episodeNumber')),
    491             'formats': formats,
    492         }