
Another place where youtube-dl lives on
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      1 from __future__ import unicode_literals
      3 import re
      5 from .common import InfoExtractor
      6 from ..compat import (
      7     compat_HTTPError,
      8     compat_kwargs,
      9     compat_str,
     10     compat_urllib_request,
     11     compat_urlparse,
     12 )
     13 from ..utils import (
     14     determine_ext,
     15     extract_attributes,
     16     ExtractorError,
     17     float_or_none,
     18     int_or_none,
     19     js_to_json,
     20     sanitized_Request,
     21     try_get,
     22     unescapeHTML,
     23     url_or_none,
     24     urlencode_postdata,
     25 )
     28 class UdemyIE(InfoExtractor):
     29     IE_NAME = 'udemy'
     30     _VALID_URL = r'''(?x)
     31                     https?://
     32                         (?:[^/]+\.)?udemy\.com/
     33                         (?:
     34                             [^#]+\#/lecture/|
     35                             lecture/view/?\?lectureId=|
     36                             [^/]+/learn/v4/t/lecture/
     37                         )
     38                         (?P<id>\d+)
     39                     '''
     40     _LOGIN_URL = ''
     41     _ORIGIN_URL = ''
     42     _NETRC_MACHINE = 'udemy'
     44     _TESTS = [{
     45         'url': '',
     46         'md5': '98eda5b657e752cf945d8445e261b5c5',
     47         'info_dict': {
     48             'id': '160614',
     49             'ext': 'mp4',
     50             'title': 'Introduction and Installation',
     51             'description': 'md5:c0d51f6f21ef4ec65f091055a5eef876',
     52             'duration': 579.29,
     53         },
     54         'skip': 'Requires udemy account credentials',
     55     }, {
     56         # new URL schema
     57         'url': '',
     58         'only_matching': True,
     59     }, {
     60         # no url in outputs format entry
     61         'url': '',
     62         'only_matching': True,
     63     }, {
     64         # only outputs rendition
     65         'url': '',
     66         'only_matching': True,
     67     }, {
     68         'url': '',
     69         'only_matching': True,
     70     }]
     72     def _extract_course_info(self, webpage, video_id):
     73         course = self._parse_json(
     74             unescapeHTML(self._search_regex(
     75                 r'ng-init=["\'].*\bcourse=({.+?})[;"\']',
     76                 webpage, 'course', default='{}')),
     77             video_id, fatal=False) or {}
     78         course_id = course.get('id') or self._search_regex(
     79             [
     80                 r'data-course-id=["\'](\d+)',
     81                 r'&quot;courseId&quot;\s*:\s*(\d+)'
     82             ], webpage, 'course id')
     83         return course_id, course.get('title')
     85     def _enroll_course(self, base_url, webpage, course_id):
     86         def combine_url(base_url, url):
     87             return compat_urlparse.urljoin(base_url, url) if not url.startswith('http') else url
     89         checkout_url = unescapeHTML(self._search_regex(
     90             r'href=(["\'])(?P<url>(?:https?://(?:www\.)?udemy\.com)?/(?:payment|cart)/checkout/.+?)\1',
     91             webpage, 'checkout url', group='url', default=None))
     92         if checkout_url:
     93             raise ExtractorError(
     94                 'Course %s is not free. You have to pay for it before you can download. '
     95                 'Use this URL to confirm purchase: %s'
     96                 % (course_id, combine_url(base_url, checkout_url)),
     97                 expected=True)
     99         enroll_url = unescapeHTML(self._search_regex(
    100             r'href=(["\'])(?P<url>(?:https?://(?:www\.)?udemy\.com)?/course/subscribe/.+?)\1',
    101             webpage, 'enroll url', group='url', default=None))
    102         if enroll_url:
    103             webpage = self._download_webpage(
    104                 combine_url(base_url, enroll_url),
    105                 course_id, 'Enrolling in the course',
    106                 headers={'Referer': base_url})
    107             if '>You have enrolled in' in webpage:
    108                 self.to_screen('%s: Successfully enrolled in the course' % course_id)
    110     def _download_lecture(self, course_id, lecture_id):
    111         return self._download_json(
    112             ''
    113             % (course_id, lecture_id),
    114             lecture_id, 'Downloading lecture JSON', query={
    115                 'fields[lecture]': 'title,description,view_html,asset',
    116                 'fields[asset]': 'asset_type,stream_url,thumbnail_url,download_urls,stream_urls,captions,data',
    117             })
    119     def _handle_error(self, response):
    120         if not isinstance(response, dict):
    121             return
    122         error = response.get('error')
    123         if error:
    124             error_str = 'Udemy returned error #%s: %s' % (error.get('code'), error.get('message'))
    125             error_data = error.get('data')
    126             if error_data:
    127                 error_str += ' - %s' % error_data.get('formErrors')
    128             raise ExtractorError(error_str, expected=True)
    130     def _download_webpage_handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
    131         headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}).copy()
    132         headers['User-Agent'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.109 Safari/537.36'
    133         kwargs['headers'] = headers
    134         ret = super(UdemyIE, self)._download_webpage_handle(
    135             *args, **compat_kwargs(kwargs))
    136         if not ret:
    137             return ret
    138         webpage, _ = ret
    139         if any(p in webpage for p in (
    140                 '>Please verify you are a human',
    141                 'Access to this page has been denied because we believe you are using automation tools to browse the website',
    142                 '"_pxCaptcha"')):
    143             raise ExtractorError(
    144                 'Udemy asks you to solve a CAPTCHA. Login with browser, '
    145                 'solve CAPTCHA, then export cookies and pass cookie file to '
    146                 'youtube-dl with --cookies.', expected=True)
    147         return ret
    149     def _download_json(self, url_or_request, *args, **kwargs):
    150         headers = {
    151             'X-Udemy-Snail-Case': 'true',
    152             'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
    153         }
    154         for cookie in self._downloader.cookiejar:
    155             if == 'client_id':
    156                 headers['X-Udemy-Client-Id'] = cookie.value
    157             elif == 'access_token':
    158                 headers['X-Udemy-Bearer-Token'] = cookie.value
    159                 headers['X-Udemy-Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % cookie.value
    161         if isinstance(url_or_request, compat_urllib_request.Request):
    162             for header, value in headers.items():
    163                 url_or_request.add_header(header, value)
    164         else:
    165             url_or_request = sanitized_Request(url_or_request, headers=headers)
    167         response = super(UdemyIE, self)._download_json(url_or_request, *args, **kwargs)
    168         self._handle_error(response)
    169         return response
    171     def _real_initialize(self):
    172         self._login()
    174     def _login(self):
    175         username, password = self._get_login_info()
    176         if username is None:
    177             return
    179         login_popup = self._download_webpage(
    180             self._LOGIN_URL, None, 'Downloading login popup')
    182         def is_logged(webpage):
    183             return any(, webpage) for p in (
    184                 r'href=["\'](?:https://www\.udemy\.com)?/user/logout/',
    185                 r'>Logout<'))
    187         # already logged in
    188         if is_logged(login_popup):
    189             return
    191         login_form = self._form_hidden_inputs('login-form', login_popup)
    193         login_form.update({
    194             'email': username,
    195             'password': password,
    196         })
    198         response = self._download_webpage(
    199             self._LOGIN_URL, None, 'Logging in',
    200             data=urlencode_postdata(login_form),
    201             headers={
    202                 'Referer': self._ORIGIN_URL,
    203                 'Origin': self._ORIGIN_URL,
    204             })
    206         if not is_logged(response):
    207             error = self._html_search_regex(
    208                 r'(?s)<div[^>]+class="form-errors[^"]*">(.+?)</div>',
    209                 response, 'error message', default=None)
    210             if error:
    211                 raise ExtractorError('Unable to login: %s' % error, expected=True)
    212             raise ExtractorError('Unable to log in')
    214     def _real_extract(self, url):
    215         lecture_id = self._match_id(url)
    217         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, lecture_id)
    219         course_id, _ = self._extract_course_info(webpage, lecture_id)
    221         try:
    222             lecture = self._download_lecture(course_id, lecture_id)
    223         except ExtractorError as e:
    224             # Error could possibly mean we are not enrolled in the course
    225             if isinstance(e.cause, compat_HTTPError) and e.cause.code == 403:
    226                 self._enroll_course(url, webpage, course_id)
    227                 lecture = self._download_lecture(course_id, lecture_id)
    228             else:
    229                 raise
    231         title = lecture['title']
    232         description = lecture.get('description')
    234         asset = lecture['asset']
    236         asset_type = asset.get('asset_type') or asset.get('assetType')
    237         if asset_type != 'Video':
    238             raise ExtractorError(
    239                 'Lecture %s is not a video' % lecture_id, expected=True)
    241         stream_url = asset.get('stream_url') or asset.get('streamUrl')
    242         if stream_url:
    243             youtube_url = self._search_regex(
    244                 r'(https?://www\.youtube\.com/watch\?v=.*)', stream_url, 'youtube URL', default=None)
    245             if youtube_url:
    246                 return self.url_result(youtube_url, 'Youtube')
    248         video_id = compat_str(asset['id'])
    249         thumbnail = asset.get('thumbnail_url') or asset.get('thumbnailUrl')
    250         duration = float_or_none(asset.get('data', {}).get('duration'))
    252         subtitles = {}
    253         automatic_captions = {}
    255         formats = []
    257         def extract_output_format(src, f_id):
    258             return {
    259                 'url': src.get('url'),
    260                 'format_id': '%sp' % (src.get('height') or f_id),
    261                 'width': int_or_none(src.get('width')),
    262                 'height': int_or_none(src.get('height')),
    263                 'vbr': int_or_none(src.get('video_bitrate_in_kbps')),
    264                 'vcodec': src.get('video_codec'),
    265                 'fps': int_or_none(src.get('frame_rate')),
    266                 'abr': int_or_none(src.get('audio_bitrate_in_kbps')),
    267                 'acodec': src.get('audio_codec'),
    268                 'asr': int_or_none(src.get('audio_sample_rate')),
    269                 'tbr': int_or_none(src.get('total_bitrate_in_kbps')),
    270                 'filesize': int_or_none(src.get('file_size_in_bytes')),
    271             }
    273         outputs = asset.get('data', {}).get('outputs')
    274         if not isinstance(outputs, dict):
    275             outputs = {}
    277         def add_output_format_meta(f, key):
    278             output = outputs.get(key)
    279             if isinstance(output, dict):
    280                 output_format = extract_output_format(output, key)
    281                 output_format.update(f)
    282                 return output_format
    283             return f
    285         def extract_formats(source_list):
    286             if not isinstance(source_list, list):
    287                 return
    288             for source in source_list:
    289                 video_url = url_or_none(source.get('file') or source.get('src'))
    290                 if not video_url:
    291                     continue
    292                 if source.get('type') == 'application/x-mpegURL' or determine_ext(video_url) == 'm3u8':
    293                     formats.extend(self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    294                         video_url, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
    295                         m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False))
    296                     continue
    297                 format_id = source.get('label')
    298                 f = {
    299                     'url': video_url,
    300                     'format_id': '%sp' % format_id,
    301                     'height': int_or_none(format_id),
    302                 }
    303                 if format_id:
    304                     # Some videos contain additional metadata (e.g.
    305                     #
    306                     f = add_output_format_meta(f, format_id)
    307                 formats.append(f)
    309         def extract_subtitles(track_list):
    310             if not isinstance(track_list, list):
    311                 return
    312             for track in track_list:
    313                 if not isinstance(track, dict):
    314                     continue
    315                 if track.get('kind') != 'captions':
    316                     continue
    317                 src = url_or_none(track.get('src'))
    318                 if not src:
    319                     continue
    320                 lang = track.get('language') or track.get(
    321                     'srclang') or track.get('label')
    322                 sub_dict = automatic_captions if track.get(
    323                     'autogenerated') is True else subtitles
    324                 sub_dict.setdefault(lang, []).append({
    325                     'url': src,
    326                 })
    328         for url_kind in ('download', 'stream'):
    329             urls = asset.get('%s_urls' % url_kind)
    330             if isinstance(urls, dict):
    331                 extract_formats(urls.get('Video'))
    333         captions = asset.get('captions')
    334         if isinstance(captions, list):
    335             for cc in captions:
    336                 if not isinstance(cc, dict):
    337                     continue
    338                 cc_url = url_or_none(cc.get('url'))
    339                 if not cc_url:
    340                     continue
    341                 lang = try_get(cc, lambda x: x['locale']['locale'], compat_str)
    342                 sub_dict = (automatic_captions if cc.get('source') == 'auto'
    343                             else subtitles)
    344                 sub_dict.setdefault(lang or 'en', []).append({
    345                     'url': cc_url,
    346                 })
    348         view_html = lecture.get('view_html')
    349         if view_html:
    350             view_html_urls = set()
    351             for source in re.findall(r'<source[^>]+>', view_html):
    352                 attributes = extract_attributes(source)
    353                 src = attributes.get('src')
    354                 if not src:
    355                     continue
    356                 res = attributes.get('data-res')
    357                 height = int_or_none(res)
    358                 if src in view_html_urls:
    359                     continue
    360                 view_html_urls.add(src)
    361                 if attributes.get('type') == 'application/x-mpegURL' or determine_ext(src) == 'm3u8':
    362                     m3u8_formats = self._extract_m3u8_formats(
    363                         src, video_id, 'mp4', entry_protocol='m3u8_native',
    364                         m3u8_id='hls', fatal=False)
    365                     for f in m3u8_formats:
    366                         m ='/hls_(?P<height>\d{3,4})_(?P<tbr>\d{2,})/', f['url'])
    367                         if m:
    368                             if not f.get('height'):
    369                                 f['height'] = int('height'))
    370                             if not f.get('tbr'):
    371                                 f['tbr'] = int('tbr'))
    372                     formats.extend(m3u8_formats)
    373                 else:
    374                     formats.append(add_output_format_meta({
    375                         'url': src,
    376                         'format_id': '%dp' % height if height else None,
    377                         'height': height,
    378                     }, res))
    380             # react rendition since 2017.04.15 (see
    381             #
    382             data = self._parse_json(
    383                 self._search_regex(
    384                     r'videojs-setup-data=(["\'])(?P<data>{.+?})\1', view_html,
    385                     'setup data', default='{}', group='data'), video_id,
    386                 transform_source=unescapeHTML, fatal=False)
    387             if data and isinstance(data, dict):
    388                 extract_formats(data.get('sources'))
    389                 if not duration:
    390                     duration = int_or_none(data.get('duration'))
    391                 extract_subtitles(data.get('tracks'))
    393             if not subtitles and not automatic_captions:
    394                 text_tracks = self._parse_json(
    395                     self._search_regex(
    396                         r'text-tracks=(["\'])(?P<data>\[.+?\])\1', view_html,
    397                         'text tracks', default='{}', group='data'), video_id,
    398                     transform_source=lambda s: js_to_json(unescapeHTML(s)),
    399                     fatal=False)
    400                 extract_subtitles(text_tracks)
    402         if not formats and outputs:
    403             for format_id, output in outputs.items():
    404                 f = extract_output_format(output, format_id)
    405                 if f.get('url'):
    406                     formats.append(f)
    408         self._sort_formats(formats, field_preference=('height', 'width', 'tbr', 'format_id'))
    410         return {
    411             'id': video_id,
    412             'title': title,
    413             'description': description,
    414             'thumbnail': thumbnail,
    415             'duration': duration,
    416             'formats': formats,
    417             'subtitles': subtitles,
    418             'automatic_captions': automatic_captions,
    419         }
    422 class UdemyCourseIE(UdemyIE):
    423     IE_NAME = 'udemy:course'
    424     _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:[^/]+\.)?udemy\.com/(?P<id>[^/?#&]+)'
    425     _TESTS = [{
    426         'url': '',
    427         'only_matching': True,
    428     }, {
    429         'url': '',
    430         'only_matching': True,
    431     }]
    433     @classmethod
    434     def suitable(cls, url):
    435         return False if UdemyIE.suitable(url) else super(UdemyCourseIE, cls).suitable(url)
    437     def _real_extract(self, url):
    438         course_path = self._match_id(url)
    440         webpage = self._download_webpage(url, course_path)
    442         course_id, title = self._extract_course_info(webpage, course_path)
    444         self._enroll_course(url, webpage, course_id)
    446         response = self._download_json(
    447             '' % course_id,
    448             course_id, 'Downloading course curriculum', query={
    449                 'fields[chapter]': 'title,object_index',
    450                 'fields[lecture]': 'title,asset',
    451                 'page_size': '1000',
    452             })
    454         entries = []
    455         chapter, chapter_number = [None] * 2
    456         for entry in response['results']:
    457             clazz = entry.get('_class')
    458             if clazz == 'lecture':
    459                 asset = entry.get('asset')
    460                 if isinstance(asset, dict):
    461                     asset_type = asset.get('asset_type') or asset.get('assetType')
    462                     if asset_type != 'Video':
    463                         continue
    464                 lecture_id = entry.get('id')
    465                 if lecture_id:
    466                     entry = {
    467                         '_type': 'url_transparent',
    468                         'url': '' % (course_path, entry['id']),
    469                         'title': entry.get('title'),
    470                         'ie_key': UdemyIE.ie_key(),
    471                     }
    472                     if chapter_number:
    473                         entry['chapter_number'] = chapter_number
    474                     if chapter:
    475                         entry['chapter'] = chapter
    476                     entries.append(entry)
    477             elif clazz == 'chapter':
    478                 chapter_number = entry.get('object_index')
    479                 chapter = entry.get('title')
    481         return self.playlist_result(entries, course_id, title)